Human Development And Performance Throughout the Lifespan 2nd Edition By Cronin – Test Bank
- Part 1: Foundations for Understanding Function, Disability, and Health
- Ch 1: Human Performance: Function as an Organizing Framework
- Introduction
- Defining Health, Function, and Disablement
- Conceptual Frameworks of Disablement
- The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
- Putting the ICF into Practice
- Domains of Performance and Function
- Clinical Frames of Reference
- The ICF and Rehabilitation
- Dimensions of Human Function over the Life Span
- Summary
- Ch 2: Human Performance: The Life Course Perspective
- Introduction
- Life Span Behavioral Change
- Neuroscience and Life Course Development
- Genetics and Life Course Development: Nature-Nurture Revisited
- Developmental Systems Theory
- Systems Theory of Motor Control
- Family Systems
- Systems and Health: Life Course Theory and Health Development Model
- Health Professionals and the Knowledge of Human Development
- Life Course Theory, the ICF, and Systems
- Summary
- Ch 3: Classic Theories of Human Development
- Introduction
- Classification of Theory
- Affective Domain
- Cognitive Domain
- Psychomotor Domain
- Continuous Multi-Domain: Behaviorism
- Summary
- Ch 4: Culture and Development
- Introduction
- Definition of Terms
- Culture as a System of Learned Values
- Acculturation
- Cultural Characteristics
- Cultural Influences on Development
- Poverty and Development
- Culture, Language, and Health Literacy
- Cultural Beliefs about Disability
- Summary
- Ch 5: Life Span Communication
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Communication in the ICF
- The Interrelationship between Culture and Communication
- Communication Development
- Linguistic Development
- Refining Language Skills
- Metalinguistic Awareness
- Written Communication
- Impact of Language Skills
- Communication Disorders
- Language Impairment
- Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT)
- Summary
- Ch 6: Mental Functions and Learning across the Life Span
- Introduction
- Terminology of the ICF
- Learning and Applying Knowledge
- Summary
- Ch 7: Environmental Contexts
- Introduction
- Natural Environment and Human-Made Changes to the Environment
- Products and Technology
- Support and Relationships
- Summary
- Ch 1: Human Performance: Function as an Organizing Framework
- Part 2: Life Stage Characteristics
- Ch 8: Prenatal Development
- Introduction
- Overview of Prenatal Development
- Prenatal Classification Systems
- Development of Body Structure in the Pre-Embryonic (Germinal) Period
- Development of Body Structure in the Embryonic Period
- Development of Body Structure in the Fetal Period
- Prenatal Development of Body Function
- Contemporary Medical Issues Regarding Prenatal Development
- Summary
- Ch 9: The Newborn
- Introduction
- The Term Infant
- Activity and Participation
- Environmental and Family Issues
- The At-Risk Infant
- Preterm Infants
- Summary
- Ch 10: Infancy
- Introduction
- Body Structure and Function: Change over the First Year
- The First Year of Life: An Overview
- Variations in Development
- The Foundation of Infancy
- Summary
- Ch 11: Family and Disability Issues through Infancy
- Introduction
- Attachment Issues
- High-Risk Infant Care
- Siblings of Medically Fragile Infants
- Fragmentation of Health Care Services
- Social and Medical Factors Related to Disability in Infants
- Common Causes of Disability and Chronic Illness in Infancy
- Chronic and Disabling Diseases in Infancy
- Characteristics of the Condition
- Families, Culture, and Coping with Infant Illness
- Major Life Areas
- Early Intervention and Special Education Service under IDEA
- Ethics and Children with a Chronic Condition
- Summary
- Ch 12: Development in the Preschool Years
- Introduction
- Body Structures and Functions
- Development of Self-Care Skills
- School-Readiness Skills
- Summary
- Ch 13: Childhood and School
- Introduction
- Body Functions and Structures
- Asynchronous Development
- Activities and Participation
- Summary
- Ch 14: Adolescent Development
- Introduction
- Body Functions and Structures
- Activities and Participation
- Health and Impairment
- Summary
- Ch 15: Family and Disablement Issues throughout Childhood
- Introduction
- Developmental Differences and the Family
- Common Developmental Disabilities
- Common Acquired or Emergent Conditions in Children and Adolescents
- Family Culture and Culturally Responsive Health Care
- Major Life Areas
- Summary
- Ch 16: Early Adulthood
- Introduction
- What is Early Adulthood?
- Body Functions and Structures
- Activities and Participation
- Major Life Areas
- Community, Social, and Civic Life
- Recreation and Leisure
- Religion and Spirituality
- Summary
- Ch 17: Middle Adulthood
- Case 1: Sandy
- Introduction
- Body Functions and Structures
- Health Risks in Middle Adulthood
- Activities and Participation
- Major Life Areas
- Community, Social, and Civic Life
- Summary
- Ch 18: Late Adulthood
- Introduction
- The Biology of Aging
- Body Functions and Structures
- Health Risks in Late Adulthood
- Activities and Participation
- Major Life Areas
- Community, Social, and Civic Life
- Summary
- Ch 19: Family and Disablement in Adulthood
- Introduction
- Common Causes of Disability in Adulthood
- The Experience of Acquired Disability in Early and Middle Adulthood
- Major Life Areas
- The Experience of Congenital/Developmental Disability in Adulthood
- The Experience of Disability in Late Adulthood
- Summary
- Ch 20: Wellness, Prevention, and Health Promotion
- Introduction
- Population Health and Healthy People 2020
- Improving the Health of Communities
- Community Health Interventions
- Wellness and Health Behaviors
- Health Policy, Prevention, and the Future
- Summary
- Part 3: Special Topics in Human Development and Performance
- Ch 21: Public Policy and Health Care
- Introduction
- Social Justice
- Policy on an International Scale
- National Policy
- Antidiscrimination Legislation
- Entitlement Programs
- Health Care Policy
- Advocacy and Political Action
- Policy Issues for Rehabilitation Professionals
- Telehealth
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Summary
- Ch 22: Assessment of Human Performance across the Life Span
- Introduction
- Models of Assessment
- Tests and Measures
- Overview of Common Assessments by ICF Dimension
- Assessment as a Guide to Treatment
- The ICF, Health Outcomes, and Health Policy
- Summary
- Ch 21: Public Policy and Health Care
- Glossary
- Index
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