Managing Performance through Training And Development 7th Edition - Test Bank

Managing Performance through Training And Development 7th Edition – Test Bank


7th Edition
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Managing Performance through Training And Development 7th Edition By Alan Saks – Test Bank

Chapter 4 

Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

1. Only senior management must buy into the needs analysis process to ensure that the data collection will result in accurate information and that they have a vested interest in the success of the program.

  a.  True

  b.  False

2. The traditional approach to a cognitive task analysis focuses on behaviours rather than the mental processes such as decision making.

  a.  True

  b.  False

3. Fundamentally, needs analysis deals with informing senior management why specific training initiatives have not resulted in improvements to organizational performance.

  a.  True

  b.  False

4. An example of a strong training transfer climate could be praise provided by peers when a new employee uses conflict resolution skills acquired in a training program.

  a.  True

  b.  False

5. The textbook identifies three levels of needs analysis: organizational, cognitive, and personal analysis.

  a.  True

  b.  False

6. The needs analysis process often starts with a concern expressed by a customer, employee, management, or some other stakeholder.

  a.  True

  b.  False

7. Organizational climate refers to the collective attitudes of its employees toward work, supervision, and company goals, policies, and procedures.

  a.  True

  b.  False

8. A task analysis reveals the tasks required for a person to perform a job and the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that are required to perform the tasks successfully. When done well, it often has five interrelated steps.

  a.  True

  b.  False

9. Ineffective performance indicates that training is needed to close the gap between current performance and desired performance.

  a.  True

  b.  False

10. Sandeep is doing a needs analysis to determine potential solutions to a current gap in an organization. He starts the process by interviewing management on the company’s strategic direction and does a full resource review. Sandeep is most likely doing a task analysis on this company.

  a.  True

  b.  False

11. Besides clarifying the nature of performance gaps, a needs analysis helps to determine whether training and development is a good solution to performance problems or whether some other intervention might be more effective.

  a.  True

  b.  False

12. A person analysis fundamentally addresses the following questions: How well does the employee perform the tasks? Who, within the organization, needs training? And, what kind of training do they need?

  a.  True

  b.  False

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