Social Work Practice in Healthcare Advanced Approaches and Emerging Trends 1st Edition Allen - Test Bank

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Social Work Practice in Healthcare Advanced Approaches and Emerging Trends 1st Edition Allen – Test Bank

Allen, Social Work Practice in Healthcare Instructor Resource

Chapter 5: Values and Ethics of Healthcare Social Work

Multiple Choice

1. Sue is a social worker whose client Mary, an 82-year-old woman, has been hospitalized following a fall at home. Mary has been living independently and wants to return home. Mary’s children are very concerned that it is no longer safe for Mary to continue to live independently in her own home. Sue shares some of the same concern as Mary’s family members, but Mary is alert and oriented and cognitively able to understand the risks of returning home. The family has requested a meeting without the patient present. Which of Beauchamp and Childress’s principles of bioethics would help guide Sue as she decides what to do?

*a. Principle of autonomy
b. Principle of beneficence
c. Principle of nonmaleficience d. Principle of justice

@ Cognitive domain: Analysis; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making: Question type: MC

2. Carol works in a hospital with an inpatient-only palliative care program. During a dinner with a colleague, Brenda, Carol discovers that the palliative care physician has been making home visits for Brenda’s patients. Carol is concerned when she hears about this, but Brenda insists that the physician is “doing the right thing.” It is true the patients being seen at home are very ill and will benefit enormously from this care. Which principle of bioethics applies in this case?

a. Principle of autonomy
b. Principle of beneficence
c. Principle of nonmaleficience

*d. Principle of justice
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Application; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making: Question type: MC

3. The most universally acknowledged principle in medical ethics is ___. a. Principle of autonomy

*b. Principle of beneficence
c. Principle of nonmaleficience d. Principle of justice

@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making: Question type: MC

Allen, Social Work Practice in Healthcare Instructor Resource

4. “First do no harm” is consistent with the principle of _____________________________. a. Principle of autonomy

b. Principle of beneficence
*c. Principle of nonmaleficience d. Principle of justice

@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making: Question type: MC

5. In the _____________________________________ perspective, ethical rules are self-evident and should be upheld under all circumstances.

*a. Deontological b. Consequentialist c. Virtue ethics
d. Ethics of care

@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making: Question type: MC

6. The ___________________________________ perspective states that ethics constitutes the bases for moral virtues in us and our communities.

a. Deontological

b. Consequentialist *c. Virtue ethics
d. Ethics of care

@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making

7. The ________________________________ perspective proposes that decisions include consideration and promotion of the relationship needs of all the parties involved.

a. Deontological
b. Consequentialist c. Virtue ethics
*d. Ethics of care

@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making: Question type: MC

8. The ________________________________ perspective states that ethical decisions may consider the expected outcomes of a decision in the determination of whether the decision is morally acceptable.

a. Deontological

Allen, Social Work Practice in Healthcare Instructor Resource

*b. Consequentialist c. Virtue ethics

d. Ethics of care
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making Question type: MC

9. According to Dolgoff, Lowenberg, and Harrington’s hierarchy-of-decision-making model, _______________________ is the highest principle.

a. Least harm
b. Truthfulness and full disclosure c. Quality of life

*d. Protection of life
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Evolution of Medical Social Work Practice: Question type: MC

10. A treatment that has not been effective in the last 100 cases but that may be effective on the 101st attempt is ____________________________________.

a. Not really futile

b. Qualitatively futile *c. Quantitatively futile

d. Successful
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making: Question type: MC

11. A treatment that merely preserves permanent unconsciousness and cannot end dependence on intensive medical care is ___________________________.

a. Not really futile *b. Qualitatively futile

c. Quantitatively futile

d. Successful
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Ethical Decision Making; Question type: MC

12. The degree to which social workers in hospitals are involved in ethical deliberations with patients and professionals is called ____________________________.

a. Hierarchy of decision making *b. Ethical activism

Allen, Social Work Practice in Healthcare Instructor Resource

c. Autonomy

d. Beneficence
@ Cognitive domain: Knowledge; Answer location: Challenges; Question type: MC

13. Social workers identified _________________________ as their chief resource in dealing with ethical dilemmas.

a. Physicians
b. Team leaders c. Administrators

*d. Peers
@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Ethics Committees: Question type: MC

14. Pam is a social worker who has been working in a hospital. One of her patients, Julie, asks Pam if she will be her Facebook “friend.” Pam says she cannot because this is against her professional code of ethics. Julie gets very emotional and states, “Well, I think you just don’t really care about me. After all, I am Facebook ‘friends’ with several of the nurses.” What should Pam do?

a. Go ahead and be Facebook “friends”
*b. Explain that the code of ethics is not the same for all healthcare professions

c. Tell the nursing staff that they are behaving unethically

d. Report the nurses to the hospital administration
@ Cognitive domain: Application; Answer location: Challenges: Question type: Mc

15. A dual relationship is one in which ___________________________________.
*a. A social worker has a professional as well as a personal or business relationship with a patient

b. A social worker is employed by two separate and competing healthcare facilities c. A social worker is married to colleague
d. A social worker provides services to the patient and the patient’s family

@ Cognitive domain: Comprehension; Answer location: Challenges: Question type: MC

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