Test Bank For Business Analytics 5th Edition Jeffrey Camm

Test Bank For Business Analytics 5th Edition Jeffrey Camm


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Test Bank For Business Analytics 5th Edition Jeffrey Camm

  • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter 1. Introduction to Business Analytics
    • 1.1. Decision Making
    • 1.2. Business Analytics Defined
    • 1.3. A Categorization of Analytical Methods and Models
      • Descriptive Analytics
      • Predictive Analytics
      • Prescriptive Analytics
    • 1.4. Big Data, the Cloud, and Artificial Intelligence
      • Volume
      • Velocity
      • Variety
      • Veracity
    • 1.5. Business Analytics in Practice
      • Accounting Analytics
      • Financial Analytics
      • Human Resource (HR) Analytics
      • Marketing Analytics
      • Health Care Analytics
      • Supply Chain Analytics
      • Analytics for Government and Nonprofits
      • Sports Analytics
      • Web Analytics
    • 1.6. Legal and Ethical Issues in the Use of Data and Analytics
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Appendix. Getting Started with R and RStudio
    • Appendix. Basic Data Manipulation with R
  • Chapter 2. Descriptive Statistics
    • 2.1. Overview of Using Data: Definitions and Goals
    • 2.2. Types of Data
      • Population and Sample Data
      • Quantitative and Categorical Data
      • Cross-Sectional and Time Series Data
      • Sources of Data
    • 2.3. Exploring Data in Excel
      • Sorting and Filtering Data in Excel
      • Conditional Formatting of Data in Excel
    • 2.4. Creating Distributions from Data
      • Frequency Distributions for Categorical Data
      • Relative Frequency and Percent Frequency Distributions
      • Frequency Distributions for Quantitative Data
      • Histograms
      • Frequency Polygons
      • Cumulative Distributions
    • 2.5. Measures of Location
      • Mean (Arithmetic Mean)
      • Median
      • Mode
      • Geometric Mean
    • 2.6. Measures of Variability
      • Range
      • Variance
      • Standard Deviation
      • Coefficient of Variation
    • 2.7. Analyzing Distributions
      • Percentiles
      • Quartiles
      • z-Scores
      • Empirical Rule
      • Identifying Outliers
      • Boxplots
    • 2.8. Measures of Association Between Two Variables
      • Scatter Charts
      • Covariance
      • Correlation Coefficient
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Heavenly Chocolates Web Site Transactions
    • Case Problem 2. African Elephant Populations
    • Appendix. Descriptive Statistics with R
  • Chapter 3. Data Visualization
    • 3.1. Overview of Data Visualization
      • Preattentive Attributes
      • Data-Ink Ratio
    • 3.2. Tables
      • Table Design Principles
      • Crosstabulation
      • PivotTables in Excel
    • 3.3. Charts
      • Scatter Charts
      • Recommended Charts in Excel
      • Line Charts
      • Bar Charts and Column Charts
      • A Note on Pie Charts and Three-Dimensional Charts
      • Additional Visualizations for Multiple Variables: Bubble Chart, Scatter Chart Matrix, and Table Lens
      • PivotCharts in Excel
    • 3.4. Specialized Data Visualizations
      • Heat Maps
      • Treemaps
      • Waterfall Charts
      • Stock Charts
      • Parallel-Coordinates Chart
    • 3.5. Visualizing Geospatial Data
      • Choropleth Maps
      • Cartograms
    • 3.6. Data Dashboards
      • Principles of Effective Data Dashboards
      • Applications of Data Dashboards
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Pelican stores
    • Case Problem 2. Movie Theater Releases
    • Appendix. Creating Tabular and Graphical Presentations with R
    • Appendix. Data Visualization in Tableau Appendix
  • Chapter 4. Data Wrangling: Data Management and Data Cleaning Strategies
    • 4.1. Discovery
      • Accessing Data
      • The Format of the Raw Data
    • 4.2. Structuring
      • Data Formatting
      • Arrangement of Data
      • Splitting a Single Field into Multiple Fields
      • Combining Multiple Fields into a Single Field
    • 4.3. Cleaning
      • Missing Data
      • Identification of Erroneous Outliers, Other Erroneous Values, and Duplicate Records
    • 4.4. Enriching
      • Subsetting Data
      • Supplementing Data
      • Enhancing Data
    • 4.5. Validating and Publishing
      • Validating
      • Publishing
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Usman Solutions
    • Appendix. Importing Delimited Files into R
    • Appendix. Working with Records in R
    • Appendix. Working with Fields in R
    • Appendix. Unstacking and Stacking Data with R
  • Chapter 5. Probability: An Introduction to Modeling Uncertainty
    • 5.1. Events and Probabilities
    • 5.2. Some Basic Relationships of Probability
      • Complement of an Event
      • Addition Law
    • 5.3. Conditional Probability
      • Independent Events
      • Multiplication Law
      • Bayes’ Theorem
    • 5.4. Random Variables
      • Discrete Random Variables
      • Continuous Random Variables
    • 5.5. Discrete Probability Distributions
      • Custom Discrete Probability Distribution
      • Expected Value and Variance
      • Discrete Uniform Probability Distribution
      • Binomial Probability Distribution
      • Poisson Probability Distribution
    • 5.6. Continuous Probability Distributions
      • Uniform Probability Distribution
      • Triangular Probability Distribution
      • Normal Probability Distribution
      • Exponential Probability Distribution
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Hamilton County Judges
    • Case Problem 2. McNeil’s Auto Mall
    • Case Problem 3. Gebhardt Electronics
    • Appendix. Discrete Probability Distributions with R
    • Appendix. Continuous Probability Distributions with R
  • Chapter 6. Descriptive Data Mining
    • 6.1. Dimension Reduction
      • Geometric Interpretation of Principal Component Analysis
      • Summarizing Protein Consumption for Maillard Riposte
    • 6.2. Cluster Analysis
      • Measuring Distance Between Observations Consisting of Quantitative Variables
      • Measuring Distance Between Observations Consisting of Categorical Variables
      • k-Means Clustering
      • Hierarchical Clustering and Measuring Dissimilarity Between Clusters
      • Hierarchical Clustering versus k-Means Clustering
    • 6.3. Association Rules
      • Evaluating Association Rules
    • 6.4. Text Mining
      • Voice of the Customer at Triad Airlines
      • Preprocessing Text Data for Analysis
      • Movie Reviews
      • Computing Dissimilarity Between Documents
      • Word Clouds
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Big Ten Expansion
    • Case Problem 2. Know Thy Customer
    • Appendix. Principal Component Analysis with R
    • Appendix. k-Means Clustering with R
    • Appendix. Hierarchical Clustering with R
    • Appendix. Association Rules with R
    • Appendix. Text Mining with R
    • Appendix. Principal Component Analysis with Orange
    • Appendix. k-Means Clustering with Orange
    • Appendix. Hierarchical Clustering with Orange
    • Appendix. Association Rules with Orange
    • Appendix. Text Mining with Orange
  • Chapter 7. Statistical Inference
    • 7.1. Selecting a Sample
      • Sampling from a Finite Population
      • Sampling from an Infinite Population
    • 7.2. Point Estimation
      • Practical Advice
    • 7.3. Sampling Distributions
      • Sampling Distribution of x¯
      • Sampling Distribution of p¯
    • 7.4. Interval Estimation
      • Interval Estimation of the Population Mean
      • Interval Estimation of the Population Proportion
    • 7.5. Hypothesis Tests
      • Developing Null and Alternative Hypotheses
      • Type I and Type II Errors
      • Hypothesis Test of the Population Mean
      • Hypothesis Test of the Population Proportion
    • 7.6. Big Data, Statistical Inference, and Practical Significance
      • Sampling Error
      • Nonsampling Error
      • Big Data
      • Understanding What Big Data Is
      • Big Data and Sampling Error
      • Big Data and the Precision of Confidence Intervals
      • Implications of Big Data for Confidence Intervals
      • Big Data, Hypothesis Testing, and p Values
      • Implications of Big Data in Hypothesis Testing
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Young Professional Magazine
    • Case Problem 2. Quality Associates, Inc.
    • Appendix. Random Sampling with R
    • Appendix. Interval Estimation of a Population Mean, Unknown Standard Deviation with R
    • Appendix. Interval Estimation of a Population Proportion with R
    • Appendix. Hypothesis Testing of a Population Mean, Unknown Standard Deviation with R
    • Appendix. Hypothesis Testing of a Population Proportion with R
  • Chapter 8. Linear Regression
    • 8.1. Simple Linear Regression Model
      • Estimated Simple Linear Regression Equation
    • 8.2. Least Squares Method
      • Least Squares Estimates of the Simple Linear Regression Parameters
      • Using Excel’s Chart Tools to Compute the Estimated Simple Linear Regression Equation
    • 8.3. Assessing the Fit of the Simple Linear Regression Model
      • The Sums of Squares
      • The Coefficient of Determination
      • Using Excel’s Chart Tools to Compute the Coefficient of Determination
    • 8.4. The Multiple Linear Regression Model
      • Estimated Multiple Linear Regression Equation
      • Least Squares Method and Multiple Linear Regression
      • Butler Trucking Company and Multiple Linear Regression
      • Using Excel’s Regression Tool to Develop the Estimated Multiple Linear Regression Equation
    • 8.5. Inference and Linear Regression
      • Conditions Necessary for Valid Inference in the Least Squares Linear Regression Model
      • Testing Individual Linear Regression Parameters
      • Addressing Nonsignificant Independent Variables
      • Multicollinearity
    • 8.6. Categorical Independent Variables
      • Butler Trucking Company and Rush Hour
      • Interpreting the Parameters
      • More Complex Categorical Variables
    • 8.7. Modeling Nonlinear Relationships
      • Quadratic Regression Models
      • Piecewise Linear Regression Models
      • Interaction Between Independent Variables
    • 8.8. Model Fitting
      • Variable Selection Procedures
      • Overfitting
    • 8.9. Big Data and Linear Regression
      • Inference and Very Large Samples
      • Model Selection
    • 8.10. Prediction with Linear Regression
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Alumni Giving
    • Case Problem 2. Consumer Research, Inc.
    • Case Problem 3. Predicting Winnings for NASCAR Drivers
    • Appendix. Simple Linear Regression with R
    • Appendix. Multiple Linear Regression with R
    • Appendix. Regression Variable Selection Procedures with R
  • Chapter 9. Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
    • 9.1. Time Series Patterns
      • Horizontal Pattern
      • Trend Pattern
      • Seasonal Pattern
      • Trend and Seasonal Pattern
      • Cyclical Pattern
      • Identifying Time Series Patterns
    • 9.2. Forecast Accuracy
    • 9.3. Moving Averages and Exponential Smoothing
      • Moving Averages
      • Exponential Smoothing
    • 9.4. Using Linear Regression Analysis for Forecasting
      • Linear Trend Projection
      • Seasonality Without Trend
      • Seasonality with Trend
      • Using Linear Regression Analysis as a Causal Forecasting Method
      • Combining Causal Variables with Trend and Seasonality Effects
      • Considerations in Using Linear Regression in Forecasting
    • 9.5. Determining the Best Forecasting Model to Use
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Forecasting Food and Beverage Sales
    • Case Problem 2. Forecasting Lost Sales
    • Appendix 9.1. Using the Excel Forecast Sheet
    • Appendix. Forecasting with R
  • Chapter 10. Predictive Data Mining: Regression Tasks
    • 10.1. Regression Performance Measures
    • 10.2. Data Sampling, Preparation, and Partitioning
      • Static Holdout Method
      • k-Fold Cross-Validation
    • 10.3. k-Nearest Neighbors Regression
    • 10.4. Regression Trees
      • Constructing a Regression Tree
      • Generating Predictions with a Regression Tree
      • Ensemble Methods
    • 10.5. Neural Network Regression
      • Structure of a Neural Network
      • How a Neural Network Learns
    • 10.6. Feature Selection
      • Wrapper Methods
      • Filter Methods
      • Embedded Methods
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem. Housing Bubble
    • Appendix. k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) Regression with R
    • Appendix. Regression Trees with R
    • Appendix. Random Forest Regression with R
    • Appendix. Neural Network Regression with R
    • Appendix. Regularized Linear Regression with R
    • Appendix. k-Nearest Neighbors Regression with Orange
    • Appendix. Individual Regression Trees with Orange
    • Appendix. Random Forests of Regression Trees with Orange
    • Appendix. Neural Network Regression with Orange
    • Appendix. Regularized Linear Regression with Orange
  • Chapter 11. Predictive Data Mining: Classification Tasks
    • 11.1. Data Sampling, Preparation, and Partitioning
      • Static Holdout Method
      • k-Fold Cross-Validation
      • Class Imbalanced Data
    • 11.2. Performance Measures for Binary Classification
    • 11.3. Classification with Logistic Regression
    • 11.4. k-Nearest Neighbors Classification
    • 11.5. Classification Trees
      • Constructing a Classification Tree
      • Generating Predictions with a Classification Tree
      • Ensemble Methods
    • 11.6. Neural Network Classification
      • Structure of a Neural Network
      • How a Neural Network Learns
    • 11.7. Feature Selection
      • Wrapper Methods
      • Filter Methods
      • Embedded Methods
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem. Grey Code Corporation
    • Appendix. Logistic Regression with R
    • Appendix. k-Nearest Neighbors with R
    • Appendix. Classification Trees with R
    • Appendix. Classification Forests with R
    • Appendix. Neural Network Classification with R
    • Appendix. Classification via Logistic Regression with Orange
    • Appendix. K-Nearest Neighbors Classification with Orange
    • Appendix. Individual Classification Trees with Orange
    • Appendix. Random Forests of Classification Trees with Orange
    • Appendix. Neural Network Classification with Orange
  • Chapter 12. Spreadsheet Models
    • 12.1. Building Good Spreadsheet Models
      • Influence Diagrams
      • Building a Mathematical Model
      • Spreadsheet Design and Implementing the Model in a Spreadsheet
    • 12.2. What-If Analysis
      • Data Tables
      • Goal Seek
      • Scenario Manager
    • 12.3. Some Useful Excel Functions for Modeling
      • SUM and SUMPRODUCT
      • IF and COUNTIF
      • XLOOKUP
    • 12.4. Auditing Spreadsheet Models
      • Trace Precedents and Dependents
      • Show Formulas
      • Evaluate Formulas
      • Error Checking
      • Watch Window
    • 12.5. Predictive and Prescriptive Spreadsheet Models
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem. Retirement Plan
  • Chapter 13. Monte Carlo Simulation
    • 13.1. Risk Analysis for Sanotronics LLC
      • Base-Case Scenario
      • Worst-Case Scenario
      • Best-Case Scenario
      • Sanotronics Spreadsheet Model
      • Use of Probability Distributions to Represent Random Variables
      • Generating Values for Random Variables with Excel
      • Executing Simulation Trials with Excel
      • Measuring and Analyzing Simulation Output
    • 13.2. Inventory Policy Analysis for Promus Corp
      • Spreadsheet Model for Promus
      • Generating Values for Promus Corp’s Demand
      • Executing Simulation Trials and Analyzing Output
    • 13.3. Simulation Modeling for Land Shark Inc.
      • Spreadsheet Model for Land Shark
      • Generating Values for Land Shark’s Random Variables
      • Executing Simulation Trials and Analyzing Output
      • Generating Bid Amounts with Fitted Distributions
    • 13.4. Simulation with Dependent Random Variables
      • Spreadsheet Model for Press Teag Worldwide
    • 13.5. Simulation Considerations
      • Verification and Validation
      • Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Simulation
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Four Corners
    • Case Problem 2. Ginsberg’s Jewelry Snowfall Promotion
    • Appendix 13.1. Common Probability Distributions for Simulation
  • Chapter 14. Linear Optimization Models
    • 14.1. A Simple Maximization Problem
      • Problem Formulation
      • Mathematical Model for the Par, Inc. Problem
    • 14.2. Solving the Par, Inc. Problem
      • The Geometry of the Par, Inc. Problem
      • Solving Linear Programs with Excel Solver
    • 14.3. A Simple Minimization Problem
      • Problem Formulation
      • Solution for the M&D Chemicals Problem
    • 14.4. Special Cases of Linear Program Outcomes
      • Alternative Optimal Solutions
      • Infeasibility
      • Unbounded
    • 14.5. Sensitivity Analysis
      • Interpreting Excel Solver Sensitivity Report
    • 14.6. General Linear Programming Notation and More Examples
      • Investment Portfolio Selection
      • Transportation Planning
      • Maximizing Banner Ad Revenue
      • Assigning Project Leaders to Clients
      • Diet Planning
    • 14.7. Generating an Alternative Optimal Solution for a Linear Program
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Investment Strategy
    • Case Problem 2. Solutions Plus
    • Appendix. Linear Programming with R
  • Chapter 15. Integer Linear Optimization Models
    • 15.1. Types of Integer Linear Optimization Models
    • 15.2. Eastborne Realty, an Example of Integer Optimization
      • The Geometry of Linear All-Integer Optimization
    • 15.3. Solving Integer Optimization Problems with Excel Solver
      • A Cautionary Note About Sensitivity Analysis
    • 15.4. Applications Involving Binary Variables
      • Capital Budgeting
      • Fixed Cost
      • Bank Location
      • Product Design and Market Share Optimization
    • 15.5. Modeling Flexibility Provided by Binary Variables
      • Multiple-Choice and Mutually Exclusive Constraints
      • k Out of n Alternatives Constraint
      • Conditional and Corequisite Constraints
    • 15.6. Generating Alternatives in Binary Optimization
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Applecore Children’s Clothing
    • Case Problem 2. Yeager National Bank
    • Appendix. Integer Programming with R
  • Chapter 16. Nonlinear Optimization Models
    • 16.1. A Production Application: Par, Inc. Revisited
      • An Unconstrained Problem
      • A Constrained Problem
      • Solving Nonlinear Optimization Models Using Excel Solver
      • Sensitivity Analysis and Shadow Prices in Nonlinear Models
    • 16.2. Local and Global Optima
      • Overcoming Local Optima with Excel Solver
    • 16.3. A Location Problem
    • 16.4. Markowitz Portfolio Model
    • 16.5. Adoption of a New Product: The Bass Forecasting Model
    • 16.6. Heuristic Optimization Using Excel’s Evolutionary Method
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem. Portfolio Optimization with Transaction Costs
    • Appendix. Nonlinear Programming with R
  • Chapter 17. Decision Analysis
    • 17.1. Problem Formulation
      • Payoff Tables
      • Decision Trees
    • 17.2. Decision Analysis Without Probabilities
      • Optimistic Approach
      • Conservative Approach
      • Minimax Regret Approach
    • 17.3. Decision Analysis with Probabilities
      • Expected Value Approach
      • Risk Analysis
      • Sensitivity Analysis
    • 17.4. Decision Analysis with Sample Information
      • Expected Value of Sample Information
      • Expected Value of Perfect Information
    • 17.5. Computing Branch Probabilities with Bayes’ Theorem
    • 17.6. Utility Theory
      • Utility and Decision Analysis
      • Utility Functions
      • Exponential Utility Function
    • Summary
    • Glossary
    • Problems
    • Case Problem 1. Property Purchase Strategy
    • Case Problem 2. Semiconductor Fabrication at Axeon Labs
  • Case Problem: Capital State University Game-Day Magazines
  • Case Problem: Hanover Inc.
  • Appendix A. Basics of Excel
  • Appendix B. Database Basics with Microsoft Access
  • Appendix C. Solutions to Even-Numbered Problems
  • Appendix D. Microsoft Excel Online and Tools for Statistical Analysis
  • References


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