Test Bank For Pathophysiology 7th Edition by Jacquelyn L

Test Bank For Pathophysiology 7th Edition by Jacquelyn L


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Test Bank For Pathophysiology 7th Edition by Jacquelyn L

  1. Instructions for online access
  2. Cover image
  3. Title page
  4. Table of Contents
  5. Copyright
  6. Dedication
  7. Contributors
  8. Reviewers
  9. Preface
  10. Acknowledgments
  11. Unit I. Pathophysiologic Processes
  12. 1. Introduction to Pathophysiology
  13. Framework for Pathophysiology
  14. Concepts of Normality in Health and Disease
  15. Patterns of Disease in Populations
  16. Summary
  17. Evolve Resources List
  18. 2. Homeostasis, Allostasis, and Adaptive Responses to Stressors
  19. Homeostasis and Allostasis
  20. Stress as a Concept
  21. Neurohormonal Mediators of Stress and Adaptation
  22. Adaptation, Coping, and Illness
  23. Summary
  24. Evolve Resources List
  25. Unit II. Cellular Function
  26. 3. Cell Structure and Function
  27. Plasma Membrane
  28. Organization of Cellular Compartments
  29. Cellular Metabolism
  30. Functions of the Plasma Membrane
  31. Intercellular Communication and Growth
  32. Summary
  33. Evolve Resources List
  34. 4. Cell Injury, Aging, and Death
  35. Reversible Cell Injury
  36. Cellular Adaptation
  37. Irreversible Cell Injury
  38. Etiology of Cellular Injury
  39. Cellular Aging
  40. Somatic Death
  41. Summary
  42. Evolve Resources List
  43. 5. Genome Structure, Regulation, and Tissue Differentiation
  44. Structure and Function of Deoxyribonucleic Acid
  45. Regulation of the Genome
  46. Differentiation of Tissues
  47. Summary
  48. Evolve Resources List
  49. 6. Genetic and Developmental Disorders
  50. Principles of Inheritance
  51. Genetic Disorders
  52. Chromosomal Abnormalities
  53. Mendelian Single-Gene Disorders
  54. Nonmendelian Single-Gene Disorders
  55. Polygenic and Multifactorial Disorders
  56. Environmentally Induced Congenital Disorders
  57. Diagnosis, Counseling, and Gene Therapy
  58. Summary
  59. Evolve ResourceS List
  60. 7. Neoplasia
  61. Benign Versus Malignant Growth
  62. Epidemiology and Cancer Risk Factors
  63. Genetic Mechanisms of Cancer
  64. Multistep Nature of Carcinogenesis
  65. Invasion and Metastasis
  66. Effects of Cancer on the Body
  67. Cancer Therapy
  68. Summary
  69. Evolve Resources List
  70. Unit III. Defense
  71. 8. Infectious Processes
  72. Host–Microbe Relationship
  73. Transmission of Infection
  74. Types of Pathogenic Organisms
  75. Summary
  76. Evolve Resources List
  77. 9. Inflammation and Immunity
  78. Components of the Immune System
  79. Epithelial Barriers
  80. Mononuclear Phagocyte System
  81. Lymphoid System
  82. Leukocytes
  83. Chemical Mediators of Immune Function
  84. Innate Defenses and Inflammation
  85. Inflammation
  86. Healing
  87. Inflammatory Exudates
  88. Systemic Manifestations of Inflammation
  89. Specific Adaptive Immunity
  90. Major Histocompatibility Complex
  91. Antigen Presentation by Major Histocompatibility Complex
  92. Mechanisms of Cell-Mediated Immunity
  93. Mechanisms of Humoral Immunity
  94. Antibody Structure
  95. Passive and Active Immunity
  96. Integrated Function and Regulation of the Immune System
  97. Integrated Response to Microbial Antigen
  98. Integrated Response to Viral Antigen
  99. Regulation of Immune Function
  100. Summary
  101. Evolve Resources List
  102. 10. Alterations in Immune Function
  103. Excessive Immune Responses
  104. Autoimmunity
  105. Hypersensitivity
  106. Deficient Immune Responses
  107. Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders
  108. Secondary Immunodeficiency Disorders
  109. Summary
  110. Evolve Resources List
  111. 11. Malignant Disorders of White Blood Cells
  112. Classification of Hematologic Neoplasms
  113. Etiology of Myeloid and Lymphoid Neoplasms
  114. General Principles of Management
  115. Myeloid Neoplasms
  116. Lymphoid Neoplasms
  117. Summary
  118. Evolve Resources List
  119. 12. HIV Disease and AIDS
  120. Epidemiology
  121. Etiology
  122. Pathogenesis
  123. Diagnostic Testing
  124. Monitoring the Progression of HIV
  125. Clinical Manifestations
  126. Treatment
  127. Summary
  128. Evolve Resources List
  129. Unit IV. Oxygen Transport, Blood Coagulation, Blood Flow, and Blood Pressure
  130. 13. Alterations in Oxygen Transport
  131. Composition of Blood
  132. Structure and Function of red Blood Cells
  133. Gas Transport and Acid–Base Balance
  134. Anemia
  135. Anemia Related to Decreased red Cell Production
  136. Anemia Related to Inherited Disorders of the red Cell
  137. Anemia Related to Extrinsic red Cell Destruction or Loss
  138. Transfusion Therapy
  139. Polycythemia
  140. Summary
  141. Evolve Resources List
  142. 14. Alterations in Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation
  143. The Process of Hemostasis
  144. Evaluation of Hemostasis and Coagulation
  145. Vascular and Platelet Disorders
  146. Coagulation Disorders
  147. Summary
  148. Evolve Resources List
  149. 15. Alterations in Blood Flow
  150. Organization of the Circulatory and Lymphatic Systems
  151. Principles of Flow
  152. Control of Flow
  153. General Mechanisms That Cause Altered Flow
  154. Alterations in Arterial Flow
  155. Alterations in Venous Flow
  156. Alterations in Lymphatic Flow
  157. Summary
  158. Evolve Resources List
  159. 16. Alterations in Blood Pressure
  160. Arterial Blood Pressure
  161. Mechanisms of Blood Pressure Regulation
  162. Hypertension
  163. Low Blood Pressure
  164. Summary
  165. Evolve Resources List
  166. Unit V. Cardiac Function
  167. 17. Cardiac Function
  168. Cardiovascular Anatomy
  169. Cardiac Cycle
  170. Coronary Circulation
  171. Cardiac Myocytes
  172. Molecular Basis of Contraction
  173. Cardiac Energy Metabolism
  174. Cardiac Electrophysiology
  175. Electrocardiography
  176. Determinants of Cardiac Output
  177. Endocrine Function of the Heart
  178. Tests of Cardiac Function
  179. Summary
  180. Evolve Resources List
  181. 18. Alterations in Cardiac Function
  182. Coronary Heart Disease
  183. Endocardial and Valvular Diseases
  184. Myocardial Diseases
  185. Pericardial Diseases
  186. Congenital Heart Diseases
  187. Summary
  188. Evolve Resources List
  189. 19. Heart Failure and Dysrhythmias: Common Sequelae of Cardiac Diseases
  190. Heart Failure
  191. Cardiac Dysrhythmias
  192. Summary
  193. Evolve Resources List
  194. 20. Shock
  195. Pathogenesis of Shock
  196. Types of Shock
  197. Assessment and Hemodynamic Monitoring
  198. Complications of Shock
  199. Summary
  200. Evolve Resources List
  201. Unit VI. Respiratory Function
  202. 21. Respiratory Function and Alterations in Gas Exchange
  203. Functional Anatomy
  204. Ventilation
  205. Pulmonary Blood Flow
  206. Diffusion and Transport of Respiratory Gases
  207. Alterations in Pulmonary Function
  208. Diagnostic Tests
  209. Alterations in Pulmonary Vasculature
  210. Pulmonary Malignancies
  211. Summary
  212. Evolve Resources List
  213. 22. Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders
  214. Obstruction From Conditions in the Wall of the Lumen
  215. Obstruction Related to Loss of Lung Parenchyma
  216. Obstruction of the Airway Lumen
  217. Summary
  218. Evolve Resources List
  219. 23. Restrictive Pulmonary Disorders
  220. Lung Parenchyma Disorders
  221. Atelectatic Disorders
  222. Pleural Space Disorders
  223. Neuromuscular, Chest Wall, and Obesity Disorders
  224. Infection or Inflammation of the Lung
  225. Summary
  226. Evolve Resources List
  227. Unit VII. Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid–Base Homeostasis
  228. 24. Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis and Imbalances
  229. Body Fluid Homeostasis
  230. Fluid Imbalances
  231. Principles of Electrolyte Homeostasis
  232. Electrolyte Imbalances
  233. Summary
  234. Evolve Resources List
  235. 25. Acid–Base Homeostasis and Imbalances
  236. Acid–Base Homeostasis
  237. Acid–Base Imbalances
  238. Summary
  239. Evolve Resources List
  240. Unit VIII. Renal and Bladder Function
  241. 26. Renal Function
  242. Renal Anatomy
  243. Overview of Nephron Structure and Function
  244. Regulation of Glomerular Filtration
  245. Transport Across Renal Tubules
  246. Regulation of Blood Volume and Osmolality
  247. Endocrine Functions
  248. Age-Related Changes in Renal Function
  249. Tests of Renal Structure and Function
  250. Summary
  251. Evolve Resources List
  252. 27. Intrarenal Disorders
  253. Common Manifestations of Kidney Disease
  254. Congenital Abnormalities
  255. Neoplasms
  256. Infection
  257. Obstruction
  258. Glomerular Disorders (Glomerulopathies)
  259. Summary
  260. Evolve Resources List
  261. 28. Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
  262. Acute Kidney Injury
  263. Chronic Kidney Disease
  264. Clinical Management
  265. Summary
  266. Evolve Resources List
  267. 29. Disorders of the Lower Urinary Tract
  268. Lower Urinary Tract
  269. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Syndromes
  270. Neurogenic Bladder
  271. Congenital Disorders
  272. Neoplasms
  273. Inflammation and Infection
  274. Obstruction
  275. Summary
  276. Evolve Resources List
  277. Unit IX. Genital and Reproductive Function
  278. 30. Male Genital and Reproductive Function
  279. Anatomy
  280. Embryology
  281. Male Reproductive Physiology
  282. Summary
  283. Evolve Resources List
  284. 31. Alterations in Male Genital and Reproductive Function
  285. Disorders of the Penis and Male Urethra
  286. Disorders of the Scrotum And Testes
  287. Disorders of the Prostate
  288. Summary
  289. Evolve Resources List
  290. 32. Female Genital and Reproductive Function
  291. Reproductive Structures
  292. Menstrual Cycle
  293. Breast
  294. Pregnancy
  295. Menopause
  296. Summary
  297. Evolve Resources List
  298. 33. Alterations in Female Genital and Reproductive Function
  299. Menstrual Disorders
  300. Alterations in Uterine Position and Pelvic Support
  301. Inflammation and Infection of the Female Reproductive Tract
  302. Benign Growths and Aberrant Tissue of the Female Reproductive Tract
  303. Cancer of the Female Genital Structures
  304. Disorders of Pregnancy
  305. Disorders of the Breast
  306. Summary
  307. Evolve Resources List
  308. 34. Sexually Transmitted Infections
  309. Urethritis, Cervicitis, Salpingitis, and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  310. Diseases With Systemic Involvement
  311. Diseases With Localized Lesions
  312. Enteric Infections
  313. Summary
  314. Evolve Resources List
  315. Unit X. Gastrointestinal Function
  316. 35. Gastrointestinal Function
  317. Structure and Organization of the Gastrointestinal Tract
  318. Gastrointestinal Motility
  319. Secretory Function
  320. Digestion and Absorption
  321. Gastrointestinal Function Across the Life Span
  322. Summary
  323. Evolve Resources List
  324. 36. Gastrointestinal Disorders
  325. Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders
  326. Disorders of the Mouth and Esophagus
  327. Oral Infections
  328. Esophageal Disorders
  329. Alterations in the Integrity of the Gastrointestinal Tract Wall
  330. Inflammation of the Stomach and Intestines
  331. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  332. Enterocolitis
  333. Alterations in Motility and Malabsorption of the Gastrointestinal Tract
  334. Motility Disorders
  335. Mucosal Malabsorption Disorders
  336. Malabsorption Disorders After Surgical Intervention
  337. Neoplasms of the Gastrointestinal Tract
  338. Esophageal, Gastric, and Small Intestinal Cancers
  339. Colonic Polyps and Colon Cancer
  340. Psychosocial Aspects of Gastrointestinal Disorders
  341. Summary
  342. Evolve Resources List
  343. 37. Alterations in Function of the Gallbladder and Exocrine Pancreas
  344. Structure and Function of the Pancreaticobiliary System
  345. Embryology of the Pancreaticobiliary System
  346. Physiology of Bile
  347. Functional Anatomy of the Pancreas
  348. Disorders of the Gallbladder
  349. Disorders of the Pancreas
  350. Summary
  351. Evolve Resources List
  352. 38. Liver Diseases
  353. Structure and Function of the Liver
  354. General Manifestations of Liver Disease
  355. Disorders of the Liver
  356. Cirrhosis
  357. Toxic Liver Disorders
  358. Other Structural Liver Conditions
  359. Transplantation
  360. Liver Diseases and Pediatric Considerations
  361. Liver Diseases and Geriatric Considerations
  362. Summary
  363. Evolve Resources List
  364. Unit XI. Endocrine Function, Metabolism, and Nutrition
  365. 39. Endocrine Physiology and Mechanisms of Hypothalamic-Pituitary Regulation
  366. Hormone Structure and Action
  367. Hormone Regulation
  368. Hypothalamic-Pituitary Endocrine System
  369. Thyroid Hormones
  370. Steroid Hormones
  371. Categories of Endocrine Disease
  372. Summary
  373. Evolve Resources List
  374. 40. Disorders of Endocrine Function
  375. Basic Concepts of Endocrine Disorders
  376. Growth Hormone Disorders
  377. Thyroid Hormone Disorders
  378. Adrenocortical Hormone Disorders
  379. Adrenal Medulla Disorder
  380. Parathyroid Gland Disorders
  381. Antidiuretic Hormone Disorders
  382. Summary
  383. Evolve Resources List
  384. 41. Diabetes Mellitus
  385. Regulation of Glucose Metabolism
  386. Glucose Intolerance Disorders
  387. Clinical Manifestations and Complications
  388. Treatment and Education
  389. Pediatric Considerations
  390. Geriatric Considerations
  391. Summary
  392. Evolve Resources List
  393. 42. Alterations in Metabolism and Nutrition
  394. Metabolic Processes
  395. Nutrient Metabolism
  396. Regulation of Appetite and Nutrient Metabolism
  397. Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
  398. Metabolic Responses to Starvation and Physiologic Stress
  399. Nutritional Considerations for Aging and Altered Health States
  400. Summary
  401. Evolve Resources List
  402. Unit XII. Neural Function
  403. 43. Structure and Function of the Nervous System
  404. Structural Organization
  405. Central Nervous System
  406. Peripheral Nervous System
  407. Autonomic Nervous System
  408. Neuronal Structure and Function
  409. Neurons and Supportive Cells
  410. Neuronal Communication
  411. Neural Development, Aging, and Injury
  412. Sensory Function
  413. Sensory Receptors
  414. Sensory Pathways
  415. Somatosensory Cortex
  416. Motor Function
  417. Motor Neurons
  418. Spinal Reflexes
  419. Central Control of Motor Function
  420. Consciousness, Memory, and Sleep
  421. Consciousness and Memory
  422. Sleep
  423. Summary
  424. Evolve Resources List
  425. 44. Acute Disorders of Brain Function
  426. Mechanisms of Brain Injury
  427. Manifestations of Brain Injury
  428. Traumatic Brain Injury
  429. Epidemiology
  430. Types of Traumatic Brain Injury
  431. Primary Injury
  432. Secondary Injury
  433. Treatment
  434. Cerebrovascular Disease and Stroke
  435. Epidemiology
  436. Ischemic Stroke
  437. Hemorrhagic Stroke
  438. Treatment
  439. Stroke Sequelae
  440. Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformation
  441. Cerebral Aneurysms
  442. Arteriovenous Malformation
  443. Central Nervous System Infections
  444. Meningitis
  445. Encephalitis
  446. Brain Abscess
  447. Summary
  448. Evolve Resources List
  449. 45. Chronic Disorders of Neurologic Function
  450. Brain and Cerebellar Disorders
  451. Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Disorders
  452. Summary
  453. Evolve Resources List
  454. 46. Alterations in Special Sensory Function
  455. Hearing and Balance
  456. General Manifestations of Hearing Impairment
  457. Hearing Impairment Disorders
  458. Otitis Media
  459. Interventions for Individuals with Hearing Impairment
  460. Vision
  461. Structure of the Eye
  462. Visual Pathways
  463. General Manifestations of Visual Impairment
  464. Disorders of the Eye
  465. Interventions for Individuals With Vision Impairment
  466. Smell and Taste
  467. Summary
  468. Evolve Resources List
  469. 47. Pain
  470. Physiology of Pain
  471. Types of Pain
  472. Acute Pain
  473. Chronic Pain
  474. Cancer-Related Pain
  475. Neuropathic Pain
  476. Ischemic Pain
  477. Referred Pain
  478. Physiologic Responses to Pain
  479. Pain in the Young and the Elderly
  480. Treatment Modalities
  481. Summary
  482. Evolve Resources List
  483. Unit XIII. Neuropsychological Function
  484. 48. Neurobiology of Psychotic Illnesses
  485. Schizophrenia
  486. Major Depressive and Persistent Depressive Disorders
  487. Bipolar Disorder
  488. Population Considerations
  489. Summary
  490. Evolve Resources List
  491. 49. Neurobiology of Nonpsychotic Illnesses
  492. Anxiety Disorders
  493. Neurodevelopmental Disorders
  494. Summary
  495. Evolve Resources List
  496. Part IV. Musculoskeletal Support and Movement
  497. 50. Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System
  498. Structure and Function of Bone
  499. Structure and Function of Joints
  500. Structure and Function of Articular Cartilage
  501. Structure and Function of Tendons and Ligaments
  502. Structure and Function of Skeletal Muscle
  503. Mechanics of Muscle Contraction
  504. Summary
  505. Evolve Resources List
  506. 51. Alterations in Musculoskeletal Function: Trauma, Infection, and Disease
  507. Soft Tissue Injuries
  508. Inert Soft Tissue Injuries
  509. Contractile Soft Tissue Injuries
  510. Bone Injuries and Infections
  511. Infections of the Bone
  512. Alterations in Bone Structure and Mass
  513. Metabolic Bone Diseases
  514. Bone Tumors
  515. Diseases of Skeletal Muscle
  516. Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy
  517. Muscular Dystrophy
  518. Other Disorders of Muscle
  519. Chronic Muscle Pain
  520. Summary
  521. Evolve Resources List
  522. 52. Alterations in Musculoskeletal Function: Rheumatic Disorders
  523. Local Disorders of Joint Function
  524. Systemic Disorders of Joint Function
  525. Joint Dysfunction Secondary to Other Diseases
  526. Pediatric Joint Disorders
  527. Summary
  528. Evolve Resources List
  529. Unit XV. Integumentary System
  530. 53. Alterations in the Integumentary System
  531. Age-Related Changes
  532. Evaluation of the Integumentary System
  533. Selected Skin Disorders
  534. Infectious Processes
  535. Inflammatory Conditions
  536. Allergic Skin Responses
  537. Parasitic Infestations
  538. Other Disorders of the Dermis
  539. Special Characteristics of Dark Skin
  540. Integumentary Manifestations of Systemic Disease
  541. Treatment Implications
  542. Developmental Considerations
  543. Summary
  544. Evolve Resources List
  545. 54. Burn Injuries
  546. Thermal Injury
  547. Electrical Injury
  548. Chemical Injury
  549. Special Populations
  550. Summary
  551. Evolve Resources List
  552. Glossary
  553. Index


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