POLICE 2nd Edition

Test Bank For POLICE 2nd Edition By John S. Dempsey


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Test Bank For POLICE 2nd Edition By John S. Dempsey

Chapter 7-Ethical Formalism

Police Ethics: A Matter of Character, 2nd Edition




  1. The founder of the school of ethical formalism was John Stuart Mill.

ANS:  F                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 117


  1. Situational theories of ethics are absolutist.

ANS:  F                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 117


  1. The idea that a person’s duty is absolute has its roots in ancient history.

ANS:  T                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 118


  1. Discussions about deontological theories are about duty.

ANS:  T                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 118


  1. All of the world’s great organized religions suggest that, rather than being made by humans, ethics are Godgiven.


ANS:  T                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 118


  1. The ethical rules that religion brings to us are absolute pronouncements from an ultimate authority and are not alterable.

ANS:  T                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 118


  1. Kant tells us that doing our duty has no moral value by definition.

ANS:  F                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 121


  1. One of the strengths of ethical formalism is that it allows for police discretion.

ANS:  F                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 124


  1. A Khadi is a lawgiver.

ANS:  T                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 125


  1. According to Kant, any act, by itself, is right or wrong.

ANS:  T                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 126




  1. Ethical formalism
a. expects individuals to follow absolute rules about what is good
b. seeks to maximize the societal good
c. was developed by John Stuart Mill
d. is the same as utilitarianism

ANS:  A                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 117


  1. Ethical formalism
a. supports a situational analysis
b. allows choices to vary based on the consequences of one’s actions
c. is absolutist
d. give great latitude in deciding what choice to make

ANS:  C                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 117


  1. Ethical theories include
a. ethical formalism c. a and b
b. utilitarianism d. none of the above

ANS:  C                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 117


  1. Ethical formalism is a/an _________ theory.
a. conditional c. teleological
b. deontological d. equivocal

ANS:  B                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 117


  1. The founder of the ethical formalism school was
a. Khadi Kant c. Immanuel Kant
b. John Stuart Kant d. Clark Kant

ANS:  C                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 117


  1. Duty is a central theme in any discussion about
a. adherence to the law c. human responsibility in general
b. behavioral accountability d. all of the above

ANS:  D                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 117


  1. All of the world’s great organized religions suggest that, rather than being made by humans, ethics
a. were given to man by Abraham c. are Godgiven
b. were given to man by Isaac d. were given to man by Jacob

ANS:  C                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 118


  1. Examples of where human beings find out about ethics include
a. the Bible c. the Torah
b. the Koran d. all of the above

ANS:  D                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 118


  1. Natural law theorists included all except
a. Cicero c. St. Thomas Aquinas
b. St. Francis of Assisi d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

ANS:  B                    PTS:   1                    REF:   pg. 119


  1. Kant was an enthusiastic supporter of
a. the American Revolution c. the French Revolution
b. the Russian Revolution d. rock and roll music

ANS:    C          PTS:     1          REF:    pg. 120


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