Police Operations Theory and Practice

Test Bank For Police Operations Theory and Practice 6th Edition by Kären M. Hess

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Test Bank For Police Operations Theory and Practice 6th Edition by Kären M. Hess




  1. A loose network of individuals scattered across the United States who believe that the original citizens of the United States were free from all government control and that the federal, state, and local governments today operate illegally are known as
a. the native populace.
b. original patriots.
c. the freedom fighters.
d. sovereign citizens.

ANS:  D                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 326)

OBJ:   What domestic terrorist groups exist in the United States.


  1. Which of the following are common elements in definitions of terrorism?
a. systematic use of physical violence
b. the attempt to cause religious, political, or social change
c. violence only against combatants
d. both systematic use of physical violence and the attempt to cause religious, political, or social change
e. systematic use of physical violence; the attempt to cause religious, political, or social change; and violence only against combatants

ANS:  D                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 321)

OBJ:   What most definitions of terrorism include.


  1. An element of terrorism is that
a. it is criminal in nature.
b. targets are typically random.
c. terrorist actions are seldom aggressive or violent.
d. all of the other choices.
e. none of the other choices.

ANS:  A                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 321)

OBJ:   What most definitions of terrorism include.


  1. Which of the following groups is considered to be a terrorist group in the United States?
a. White supremacists
b. Black supremacists
c. the militia movement
d. environmental extremists
e. all of the other choices

ANS:  E                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 325)

OBJ:   What domestic terrorist groups exist in the United States.


  1. Going from most likely to least likely, select the order in which the following weapons of mass destruction are likely to be used in a terrorist attack.
a. incendiary devices and explosives, chemical devices, biological weapons
b. chemical devices, biological weapons, incendiary devices and explosives
c. biological weapons, chemical devices, incendiary devices and explosives
d. biological weapons, incendiary devices and explosives, chemical devices
e. chemical devices, incendiary devices and explosives, biological weapons

ANS:  A                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 331)

OBJ:   What methods terrorists might use.


  1. Biological weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) include all of the following except
a. smallpox.
b. anthrax.
c. sarin nerve gas.
d. botulism.
e. Ebola virus.

ANS:  C                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 331)

OBJ:   What methods terrorists might use.


  1. Chemical agents
a. are more lethal than biological agents.
b. include nerve agents, blood agents, choking agents, and blistering agents.
c. are more difficult to control than biological agents.
d. include anthrax, botulism, and smallpox.
e. are unlikely to be used because the raw materials are difficult to obtain and use.

ANS:  B                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 332)

OBJ:   What methods terrorists might use.


  1. A dual threat to law enforcement means
a. officers must keep a watchful eye on international terrorism as well as domestic terrorism.
b. there are sleeper cells within America.
c. officers must keep a watchful eye on anti–law enforcement groups and domestic terrorism.
d. terrorists may use biological and chemical agents against key targets.

ANS:  A                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 324)

OBJ:   How the FBI classifies terrorist acts.


  1. A dirty bomb
a. is a low-yield nuclear device.
b. will cause primary destruction by radiation.
c. would cause far less destruction than the attacks of September 11, 2001.
d. is a cyberbomb that could be placed in selected informational systems.
e. and nuclear terrorism are less likely today than during the Cold War.

ANS:  A                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 332)

OBJ:   What methods terrorists might use.


  1. The USA PATRIOT Act
a. grants police unprecedented ability to search, seize, detain, and eavesdrop.
b. facilitates information sharing.
c. establishes new punishments for possessing biological weapons.
d. makes it a federal crime to commit an act of terrorism against a mass transit system.
e. all of the other choices.

ANS:  E                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (pp. 335–336)

OBJ:   How the USA PATRIOT Act enhances counterterrorism efforts by the United States.


  1. Weapons of mass destruction
a. are the result of recent technology.
b. have been in use since World War II.
c. have been in use since the 1300s.
d. are difficult to obtain because the means and recipes for their development are not well known.
e. both are the result of recent technology and have been in use since World War II.

ANS:  C                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 331)

OBJ:   What methods terrorists might use.


  1. In July 2010, the _____________ launched a national “If You See Something, Say SomethingTM” public awareness campaign.
a. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
b. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
c. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
d. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

ANS:  B                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 356)

OBJ:   What the lead federal agencies are in responding to acts of terrorism and handling consequence management.


  1. The USA PATRIOT Act gives police the ability to do all of the following in their pursuit of terrorists except
a. Search.
b. seize.
c. torture.
d. detain.
e. eavesdrop.

ANS:  C                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 335)

OBJ:   How the USA PATRIOT Act enhances counterterrorism efforts by the United States.


  1. The lead agency for consequence management (after an attack) is
a. FEMA.
b. the FOP.
c. the CIA.
d. the FBI.
e. the USSS.

ANS:  A                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 335)

OBJ:   What the lead federal agencies are in responding to acts of terrorism and handling consequence management.


  1. All are motivations of terrorism except
a. political.
b. religious.
c. social policy.
d. all are motivations of terrorism.

ANS:  D                    PTS:   1                    REF:   (p. 325)

OBJ:   What motivates most terrorist attacks.

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