Practice of Nursing Research Appraisal Synthesis

Test Bank For Practice of Nursing Research Appraisal Synthesis 7th Edition By Grove Burns


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Test Bank For Practice of Nursing Research Appraisal Synthesis 7th Edition By Grove Burns

Chapter 7: Frameworks
Test Bank
1.What is a framework?
a. The abstract, logical structure of meaning
b. A concept at a high level of abstraction with a very general meaning
c. An integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon
d. A diagram that expresses the interrelationships of concepts and statements
A framework is the abstract, logical structure of meaning that guides the development of the study and enables the researcher to link the findings to nursing’s body of knowledge. A concept is a term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea, thus providing it with a separate identity or meaning. A construct is a concept at a high level of abstraction with a very general meaning. A theory consists of an integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon. A conceptual map is a diagram that expresses the interrelationships of the concepts and statements in a framework.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Identification REF: Page 116
2.What is a concept?
a. The abstract, logical structure of meaning
b. A term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea, thus providing it with a separate identity of meaning
c. An integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon
d. A diagram that expresses the interrelationships of concepts and statements
A framework is the abstract, logical structure of meaning that guides the development of the study and enables the researcher to link the findings to nursing’s body of knowledge. A concept is a term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea, thus providing it with a separate identity or meaning. A theory consists of an integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon. A conceptual map is a diagram that expresses the interrelationships of the concepts and statements in a framework.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Identification REF: Page 116
3.What is a construct?
a. The abstract, logical structure of meaning
b. A concept at a high level of abstraction with a very general meaning
c. An integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon
d. A term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea, thus providing it with a separate identity or meaning
A framework is the abstract, logical structure of meaning that guides the development of the study and enables the researcher to link the findings to nursing’s body of knowledge. A concept is a term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea, thus providing it with a separate identity or meaning. A construct is a concept at a high level of abstraction with a very general meaning. A theory consists of an integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon. A conceptual map is a diagram that expresses the interrelationships of the concepts and statements in a framework.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Identification REF: Page 116
4.What is concept analysis?
a. Evaluation of the interrelationships of the concepts and statements in a framework
b. The process of describing and naming a previously unrecognized concept
c. Modifying conceptual definitions from other disciplines to be consistent with nursing usage
d. A strategy through which a set of characteristics essential to the connotative meaning of a concept is identified
Concept analysis is a strategy through which a set of characteristics essential to the connotative meaning of a concept is identified. Concept synthesis is the process of describing and naming a previously unrecognized concept. Modifying conceptual definitions from other disciplines to be consistent with nursing usage is known as concept derivation.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Identification REF: Page 119
5.What is concept synthesis?
a. Creations of the interrelationships between concepts and statements in a framework
b. The process of describing and naming a previously unrecognized concept
c. Modifying conceptual definitions from other disciplines to be consistent with nursing usage
d. A strategy through which a set of characteristics essential to the connotative meaning of a concept is identified
Concept analysis is a strategy through which a set of characteristics essential to the connotative meaning of a concept is identified. Concept synthesis is the process of describing and naming a previously unrecognized concept. Modifying conceptual definitions from other disciplines to be consistent with nursing usage is known as concept derivation.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Identification REF: Page 119
6.What is concept derivation?
a. The process of distilling meaning from concepts and statements in a framework
b. The process of describing and naming a previously unrecognized concept
c. Modifying conceptual definitions from other disciplines to be consistent with nursing usage
d. A strategy through which a set of characteristics essential to the connotative meaning of a concept is identified
Concept analysis is a strategy through which a set of characteristics essential to the connotative meaning of a concept is identified. Concept synthesis is the process of describing and naming a previously unrecognized concept. Modifying conceptual definitions from other disciplines to be consistent with nursing usage is known as concept derivation.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Identification REF: Page 119
7.What is a conceptual model?
a. A model made up of constructs, between which a relationship may or may not exist
b. A set of highly abstract, related constructs
c. An integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon
d. A diagram that expresses the interrelationships of concepts and statements
A conceptual model is a set of highly abstract, related constructs. A theory consists of an integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon. A conceptual map is a diagram that expresses the interrelationships of the concepts and statements in a framework.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Identification REF: Page 117
8.What is a conceptual map?
a. A model connecting objects, phenomena, or ideas
b. A set of highly abstract, related constructs
c. An integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon
d. A diagram that expresses the interrelationships of concepts and statements in a framework
A framework is the abstract, logical structure of meaning that guides the development of the study and enables the researcher to link the findings to nursing’s body of knowledge. A concept is a term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea, thus providing it with a separate identity or meaning. A construct is a concept at a high level of abstraction with a very general meaning. A theory consists of an integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon. A conceptual map is a diagram that expresses the interrelationships of the concepts and statements in a framework. A conceptual model is a set of highly abstract, related constructs. It broadly explains phenomena of interest, expresses assumptions, and reflects a philosophical stance.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Identification REF: Page 116
9.What is a theory?
a. The abstract, logical structure of meaning
b. A concept at a high level of abstraction with a very general meaning
c. An integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon
d. A diagram that expresses the interrelationships of concepts and statements
A framework is the abstract, logical structure of meaning that guides the development of the study and enables the researcher to link the findings to nursing’s body of knowledge. A concept is a term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea, thus providing it with a separate identity or meaning. A construct is a concept at a high level of abstraction with a very general meaning. A theory consists of an integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon. A conceptual map is a diagram that expresses the interrelationships of the concepts and statements in a framework.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Identification REF: Page 116
10.An author makes a hypothetical relational statement, linking seven concepts to a central idea, and denoting which ones are causes and which are results. The hypothetical relational statement is called a
a. Theoretical map
b. Point of view
c. Hybrid correlational array
d. Framework
A framework is an abstract, logical structure of meaning that guides the development of the study and enables the researcher and reader to link the findings to the body of knowledge in nursing. A relational statement declares that a relationship of some kind exists between or among two or more concepts.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 116
11.A researcher tests the effect of a medication previously used for psoriasis on patients with Huntington’s chorea. The medication reduces symptom severity from an average of 7.7 to 4.6, on a scale from 0 to 10. This change is known as the
a. Direction
b. Shape
c. Effect size
d. Frequency
The strength of a relationship is sometimes discussed using the term effect size. The effect size explains how much “effect” variation in one concept has on variation in a second concept. A relational statement declares that a relationship of some kind exists between or among two or more concepts. Relational statements describe the direction, shape, strength, symmetry, sequencing, probability of occurrence, necessity, and sufficiency of a relationship. One statement may have several of these characteristics—each characteristic is not exclusive of the others. Some of the variation in a concept, but not all, is associated with variation in another concept.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 121
12.What is the difference between a concurrent relationship and a sequential one, in terms of A and B?
a. In a sequential relationship, A occurs before B; in a concurrent relationship, A occurs independently of B.
b. In a concurrent relationship, causation is clear; in a sequential relationship, causation is unclear.
c. Variable values do not change at the exact same time in a sequential relationship, whereas they change at the exact same time in a concurrent one.
d. Measurement of variables is possible in a sequential relationship, whereas measurement of variables is impossible in a concurrent relationship.
A relational statement declares that a relationship of some kind exists between or among two or more concepts. Relational statements describe the direction, shape, strength, symmetry, sequencing, probability of occurrence, necessity, and sufficiency of a relationship. The amount of time that elapses between one concept and another is stated as the sequential nature of a relationship. If both concepts occur simultaneously, the relationship is concurrent. When there is a change in one concept, there is change in the other at the same time. If one concept changes and the second concept changes later, the relationship is sequential.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Evaluation REF: Page 116
13.A variable is more concrete than a concept. A concept is more concrete than a construct. Which one is the most abstract?
a. Construct
b. Concept
c. Variable
d. Measurement strategy
A concept is a term that abstractly describes and names an object, a phenomenon, or an idea, thus providing it with a separate identify or meaning. At high levels of abstraction concepts have general meanings and are sometimes referred to as constructs. Concepts are often described as the building blocks of theory. Abstract concepts are descriptive but may not be as applicable to clinical practice or research because of their abstractness. To make a concept more concrete, one identifies how it can be measured or observed. These measurable terms are referred to as variables. A variable is more specific than a concept and implies that the term is clearly defined and measurable. The word variable implies that the numerical values associated with the term vary from one instance to another.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Synthesis REF: Page 116
14.Evaluate the use of the Melzack and Wall’s Gate Control Theory of Pain as the framework for a quantitative descriptive study of the frequency of headaches in men, versus women.
a. The framework is well connected to the study’s constructs.
b. The framework is suitable because headache is pain.
c. The framework is gratuitous; it discusses pain at the cellular level.
d. The framework is well integrated with the methodology.
A framework is the abstract, logical structure of meaning that guides the development of the study and enables the researcher to link the findings to nursing’s body of knowledge. Frameworks are used in quantitative research and sometimes in qualitative research. In quantitative studies, the framework may be a testable theoretical structure or may be developed inductively from published research or clinical observations. Every quantitative study has a theoretical framework, although some researchers do not identify or describe the theoretical framework in the report of the study. Ideally, the framework of a quantitative study is carefully structured, clearly presented, and well integrated with the methodology. One needs to identify and evaluate the extent to which the framework guides the study methodology. Melzack and Wall’s Gate Control Theory of Pain identifies neural contributions to the perception of pain; its explanation is at the cellular level, so it is an illogical choice for this research. The difference in headache frequency between men and women is best explained by a framework that includes gender differences in perception, metabolism, glucose levels, stress, or something that explains the differences between the two groups.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Analysis REF: Page 116
15.A nurse researcher has an idea that neonates perceive all interactions with humans as either stressors or comfort. She is conducting qualitative research to describe the types of stressors or comfort that neonates typically experience in the first 24 hours of life. Is this a theory, or a model, or what?
a. A scientific theory
b. A substantive theory
c. An idea but not a theory or model yet
d. A conceptual model
A theory is more narrow and specific than a conceptual model and is directly testable. A theory consists of an integrated set of defined concepts, existence statements, and relational statements that present a view of a phenomenon and can be used to describe, explain, predict, or control that phenomenon. A conceptual model, also known as a grand theory, is a set of highly abstract, related constructs. Scientific theories are those for which repeated studies have validated the relationships among the concepts. Middle-range theories, or substantive theories, present a partial view of nursing reality. These theories are less abstract and address more specific phenomena than grand theories do. They directly apply to practice and focus on explanation and implementation.
DIF: Cognitive Level: Application REF: Page 117


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