The Psychology Of Sex And Gender 1st Edition - Test Bank

The Psychology Of Sex And Gender 1st Edition – Test Bank


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Test Bank For The Psychology Of Sex And Gender 1st Edition by Jennifer Katherine Bosson

Chapter 6: Power, Sexism, and Discrimination

Test Bank

Multiple Choice

1. Researchers have yet to find any evidence of true ______ societies.

A. matriarchal

B. matrilineal

C. patriarchal

D. patrilineal

Ans: A

Learning Objective: 6-1: Explain how social structures are organized by sex across cultures and how power and privilege shape the experiences of individuals and groups.

Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Patriarchal and Matriarchal Social Structures

Difficulty Level: Easy

2. According to the myth of the matriarchy ______.

A. ancestral societies were both peaceful and ruled by women until patriarchies became the dominant social structure

B. woman currently hold higher status positions than men in certain collectivists cultures

C. society is gradually becoming more feminized as women gain power and status

D. in ancestral societies women were far more competitive, aggressive, and focused on wealth acquisition

Ans: A

Learning Objective: 6-1: Explain how social structures are organized by sex across cultures and how power and privilege shape the experiences of individuals and groups. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Patriarchal and Matriarchal Social Structures

Difficulty Level: Medium

3. A society that traces descent through the mother’s kinship line but men hold higher political power would be ______ and ______.

A. matriarchal; patrilocal

B. matrilineal; patriarchal

C. matrilocal; patrilineal

D. matriarchal; matrilineal

Ans: B

Learning Objective: 6-1: Explain how social structures are organized by sex across cultures and how power and privilege shape the experiences of individuals and groups.

Cognitive Domain: Application

Answer Location: Patriarchal and Matriarchal Social Structures

Difficulty Level: Hard

4. Which of the following would NOT necessarily describe a society that is patrilineal, patrilocal, and matriarchal?

A. Women are the primary decision-makers.

B. Husbands typically live near their wives families.

C. Descent is traced through the father’s kinship line.

D. Having multiple lovers prior to marriage is socially accepted.

Ans: D

Learning Objective: 6-1: Explain how social structures are organized by sex across cultures and how power and privilege shape the experiences of individuals and groups.

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Patriarchal and Matriarchal Social Structures

Difficulty Level: Medium

5. ______ power manifests by shaping how society operates in determining which groups of people have access to resources

A. Structural

B. Relational

C. Dyadic

D. Patrilineal

Ans: A

Learning Objective: 6-1: Explain how social structures are organized by sex across cultures and how power and privilege shape the experiences of individuals and groups. Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Structural Versus Dyadic Power

Difficulty Level: Medium

6. Men tend to hold more ______ and women sometimes hold more ______.

A. dyadic; political

B. structural; relational

C. relational; economic

D. political; structural

Ans: B

Learning Objective: 6-1: Explain how social structures are organized by sex across cultures and how power and privilege shape the experiences of individuals and groups.

Cognitive Domain: Comprehension

Answer Location: Structural Versus Dyadic Power

Difficulty Level: Medium

7. Those who hold more ______ tend to have more control over the home and family.

A. dyadic power

B. structural power

C. social status

D. economic resources

Ans: A

Learning Objective: 6-1: Explain how social structures are organized by sex across cultures and how power and privilege shape the experiences of individuals and groups.

Cognitive Domain: Knowledge

Answer Location: Structural Versus Dyadic Power

Difficulty Level: Easy


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