The Unfinished Nation A Concise History of the American People 9Th Edition By Alan Brinkley - Test Bank

The Unfinished Nation A Concise History of the American People 9Th Edition – Test Bank


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The Unfinished Nation A Concise History of the American People 9Th Edition By Alan Brinkley – Test Bank

The Unfinished Nation, 9e (Brinkley)

Chapter 7   The Jeffersonian Era

1) Regarding education, early-nineteenth-century Republicans favored

A) a nationwide system of free public schools for all male citizens.

B) the federal government paying the costs of primary schools.

C) private schools as the primary institutions of learning.

D) the practice that only the children of elite families received an education.

E) free college education for all white male citizens of the republic.

Answer:  A

Topic:  The Rise of Cultural Nationalism

Learning Objective:  Assess the impact of the Second Great Awakening on women, African Americans, and Native Americans.

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  Keyboard Navigation

2) In the early nineteenth century, school education was largely the responsibility of

A) private institutions.

B) the states.

C) individual cities and towns.

D) the federal government.

E) individual parents.

Answer:  A

Topic:  The Rise of Cultural Nationalism

Learning Objective:  Assess the impact of the Second Great Awakening on women, African Americans, and Native Americans.

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  Keyboard Navigation

3) The writer Judith Sargent Murray argued that women

A) should have the same educational opportunities as men.

B) were equal to men in intellect and potential.

C) should have a role in society apart from their husbands.

D) should have opportunities to earn their own livings.

E) All these answers are correct.

Answer:  E

Topic:  The Rise of Cultural Nationalism

Learning Objective:  Assess the impact of the Second Great Awakening on women, African Americans, and Native Americans.

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  Keyboard Navigation

4) Thomas Jefferson believed American Indians were primitive people

A) who had been greatly mistreated by white Americans.

B) who might become civilized through exposure to white culture.

C) who should be completely separated from white society.

D) with no redemptive qualities.

E) who nevertheless had an education system worth emulating.

Answer:  B

Topic:  The Rise of Cultural Nationalism

Learning Objective:  Assess the impact of the Second Great Awakening on women, African Americans, and Native Americans.

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  Keyboard Navigation

5) Around 1800, higher education in the United States

A) served about 2 percent of the white men in the country.

B) began to admit many more poor citizens than before.

C) gave access to women, blacks, and Indians.

D) was increasingly becoming dominated by public institutions.

E) saw the number of colleges and universities growing substantially.

Answer:  E

Topic:  The Rise of Cultural Nationalism

Learning Objective:  Assess the impact of the Second Great Awakening on women, African Americans, and Native Americans.

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  Keyboard Navigation

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