Identities and Inequalities Exploring the Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, & Sexuality 3rd Edition – Test Bank
Chapter 02
Manufacturing Difference: The Social Construction of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
True / False Questions
1. The meanings of race, ethnicity, class, gender, and sexuality have remained the same over the past couple of centuries.
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Topic: Perspectives on Identity
2. According to the constructionist perspective, race, class, gender, and sexuality are simply individual traits.
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Topic: Perspectives on Identity
3. We all possess multiple identities.
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Topic: Perspectives on Identity
4. According to the constructionist perspective, social identifiers have both psychological and structural meanings.
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Topic: Perspectives on Identity
5. Sociologists use race to refer to the nonbiological traits that provide members of a group with a sense of common identity.
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Topic: Definitions of Differences and Identities
6. According to the constructionist perspective, social identifiers are independent of context.
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Topic: Perspectives on Identity
7. The U.S. Census accurately reflects the way people personally experience race.
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Topic: Definitions of Differences and Identities
8. Transsexuals not only identify with a different sex but sometimes undergo hormone treatment and surgery to physically change their sex.
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Topic: Definitions of Differences and Identities
9. The official U.S. poverty line is based on income after tax and includes food stamps, Medicaid, and public housing.
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Topic: Definitions of Differences and Identities
10. Determining an individual’s sex is a strictly natural and straightforward process.
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Topic: Definitions of Differences and Identities
Multiple Choice Questions
11. From an essentialist perspective, people’s:
A. idea of what is real and essential is always a product of the culture and historical period in which they live.
B. race and gender can change as long as society’s essence is transient.
C. definitions and labels can change, but an individual’s essence is permanent.
D. racial ambivalence is independent of within-group and between-group differences.
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Topic: Perspectives on Identity
12. Which of the following statements is true according to constructionism?
A. Categorical distinctions based on race, gender, class, and sexuality exist independently of human ideas about them.
B. What humans know to be real and essential is always a product of the culture and historical period in which humans live.
C. People’s definitions and labels can change, but an individual’s essence is permanent.
D. Social identifiers are independent of context.
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Topic: Perspectives on Identity
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