Test Bank For An Invitation to Health 18th Edition By Dianne Hales
- Chapter 1. An Invitation to Health
- Health and Wellness
- The Dimensions of Health
- Health in America
- Healthy People 2020
- Health Disparities
- Sex, Gender, and Health
- Health on Campus
- College and Health
- How Healthy Are Today’s Students?
- The Future Starts Now
- Student Health Norms
- The Promise of Prevention
- Protecting Yourself
- Understanding Risky Behaviors
- Making Healthy Changes
- Understanding Health Behavior
- How People Change
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Health and Wellness
- Chapter 2. Psychological and Spiritual Well-Being
- Emotional and Mental Health
- The Lessons of Positive Psychology
- Boost Self-Esteem
- Develop Self-Compassion
- Boost Emotional Intelligence
- Meet Your Needs
- Pursue Happiness
- Become Optimistic
- Manage Your Moods
- Take Control
- Develop Autonomy
- Assert Yourself
- Spiritual Health
- Spirituality and Physical Health
- Deepen Your Spiritual Intelligence
- Clarify Your Values
- Enrich Your Spiritual Life
- Consider the Power of Prayer
- Cultivate Gratitude
- Forgive
- Sleep and Health
- Sleepless on Campus
- What Happens When We Sleep?
- How Much Sleep Do You Need?
- Sleep’s Impact on Health
- Getting a Better Night’s Sleep
- Sleeping Pills
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Chapter 3. Mental Health
- The Brain: The Last Frontier
- Inside the Brain
- Sex Differences in the Brain
- The Teenage and 20-Something Brain
- Understanding Mental Health
- What Is a Mental Disorder?
- Mental Health on Campus
- Depressive Disorders
- Depression in Students
- Gender and Depression
- Major Depressive Disorder
- Treating Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Anxiety Disorders
- Specific Phobia
- Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Other Common Disorders
- Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Self-Injury and Suicide
- Suicide on Campus
- Risk Factors
- Overcoming Problems of the Mind
- Self-Help Strategies
- Where to Turn for Help
- Types of Therapists
- Choosing a Therapist
- Types of Therapy
- Other Treatment Options
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- The Brain: The Last Frontier
- Chapter 4. Stress Management
- What Is Stress?
- Eustress, Distress, and Neustress
- Stress and the Dimensions of Health
- Types of Stressors
- Stress in America
- Stress on Campus
- Stress and Student Health
- Other Stressors
- Financial Stress
- Occupational Stress
- Burnout
- Illness and Disability
- Traumatic Life Events
- Acute Stress Disorder
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Inside Stress
- General Adaptation Syndrome
- Fight or Flight
- Freezing
- Submission
- Challenge Response Model
- Tend-and-Befriend Model
- Transactional or Cognitive-Relational Model
- Yerkes-Dodson Law
- The Impact of Stress
- Stress and the Heart
- Stress and Immunity
- Stress and the Gastrointestinal System
- Stress and Cancer
- Other Stress Symptoms
- Managing Stress
- Journaling
- Exercise
- Routes to Relaxation
- Meditation and Mindfulness
- Yoga
- Resilience
- Stress Prevention: Taking Control of Your Time
- Time Management
- Overcoming Procrastination
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- What Is Stress?
- Chapter 5. Personal Nutrition
- Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- The Building Blocks of Good Nutrition
- Water
- Protein
- Carbohydrates
- Fats
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Calories
- Healthy Eating Patterns
- MyPlate
- The USDA Food Patterns
- The DASH Eating Plan
- The Mediterranean Diet
- Vegetables and Fruits
- Vegetarian Diets
- Ethnic Cuisines
- Campus Cuisine: How College Students Eat
- Nutrition Knowledge
- Fast Food: Eating on the Run
- You Are What You Drink
- Choosing Healthful Snacks
- Taking Charge of What You Eat
- Portions and Servings
- Nutrition Labels
- What Is an “Organic” Food?
- Genetically Engineered Foods
- Dietary Supplements
- Food Safety
- Fight BAC!
- Avoiding E. Coli Infection
- Food Poisoning
- Pesticides
- Food Allergies
- Nutritional Quackery
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Chapter 6. Weight Management
- Weighing In
- Weight on Campus
- What Is a Healthy Weight?
- Body Mass Index
- Waist Circumference
- Waist-to-Hip Ratio
- Measuring Body Fat
- Understanding Weight Problems
- How Did So Many Get So Fat?
- Health Dangers of Excess Weight
- The Impact on the Body
- The Emotional and Social Toll
- If You’re Too Thin: How to Gain Weight
- A Practical Guide to a Healthy Weight
- Understanding Why We Overeat
- Preventing Weight Gain
- Weight Loss Diets
- Do Weight Loss Programs Work?
- Physical Activity and Exercise
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Obesity
- Common Diet Traps
- Maintaining Weight Loss
- Treating Severe Obesity
- Obesity Medications
- Obesity Surgery
- Unhealthy Eating on Campus
- Body Image
- “Fat Talk”
- Disordered Eating
- Extreme Dieting
- Compulsive Overeating
- Binge Eating
- Eating Disorders
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Your Life, Your Future!
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Chapter 7. Physical Activity and Fitness
- Physical Activity and Fitness
- Fitness and the Dimensions of Health
- Working Out on Campus
- Physical Activity and Exercise
- Exercise Is Medicine
- The Benefits of Exercise
- Exercise Risks
- Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
- How Much Exercise Is Enough?
- Your Exercise Prescription
- The Principles of Exercise
- Overload Principle
- Reversibility Principle
- Improving Cardiorespiratory Fitness
- Monitoring Exercise Intensity
- High-Tech Gadgets
- Nontech Methods
- Designing an Aerobic Workout
- Your Long-Term Fitness Plan
- Aerobic Options
- Building Muscular Fitness
- Muscles at Work
- Designing a Muscle Workout
- Recovery
- Core Strength Conditioning
- Muscle Dysmorphia
- Drugs Used to Boost Athletic Performance
- Becoming More Flexible
- The Benefits of Flexibility
- Stretching
- Mind-Body Approaches
- Yoga
- Pilates
- T’ai Chi
- Keeping Your Back Healthy
- Evaluating Fitness Products and Programs
- Exercise Equipment
- Athletic Shoes
- Barefoot Running and Alternative Running Shoes
- Fitness Centers
- Sports Nutrition
- Water
- Sports Drinks
- Dietary Supplements
- Energy Bars
- Safe and Healthy Workouts
- Temperature
- Exercise Injuries
- Your Life, Your Future!
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Physical Activity and Fitness
- Chapter 8. Social Health
- The Social Dimension of Health
- Communicating
- Learning to Listen
- Being Agreeable but Assertive
- How Men and Women Communicate
- Nonverbal Communication
- Forming Relationships
- Friendship
- Loneliness
- Shyness and Social Anxiety Disorder
- Building a Healthy Community
- Doing Good
- Living in a Wired World
- Social Networking on Campus
- Self-Disclosure and Privacy in a Digital Age
- Problematic Cell Phone and Internet Use
- Dating on Campus
- Hooking Up
- Friends with Benefits
- Loving and Being Loved
- Intimate Relationships
- What Attracts Two People to Each Other?
- Infatuation
- The Science of Romantic Love
- Mature Love
- Dysfunctional Relationships
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Emotional Abuse
- Codependency
- When Love Ends
- Partnering across the Lifespan
- The New Transition to Adulthood
- Cohabitation
- Long-Term Relationships
- Marriage
- Issues Couples Confront
- Divorce
- Family Ties
- Diversity within Families
- Unmarried Parents
- Your Life, Your Future!
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Chapter 9. Sexual Health
- Sexual Health
- Sexuality and the Dimensions of Health
- Becoming Male or Female
- How Hormones Work
- Women’s Sexual Health
- Female Sexual Anatomy
- The Menstrual Cycle
- Men’s Sexual Health
- Male Sexual Anatomy
- The Gender Spectrum
- Responsible Sexuality
- Creating a Sexually Healthy Relationship
- Making Sexual Decisions
- Saying No to Sex
- Sexual Behavior
- Sexual Initiation: “Having Sex” for the First Time
- Sex on Campus
- Hooking Up
- Friends with Benefits
- Choosing Sexual Partners
- Romantic Relationships
- Ethnic Variations
- Sex in America
- Sexual Diversity
- Heterosexuality
- Bisexuality
- Homosexuality
- Sexual Activity
- Celibacy
- Abstinence
- Fantasy
- Pornography
- Masturbation
- Nonpenetrative Sexual Activity (Outercourse)
- Intercourse
- Oral Sex
- Anal Stimulation and Intercourse
- Sexual Response
- Sexual Concerns
- Sexual Difficulties and Dysfunctions
- Sex Therapy
- Drugs and Sex
- Atypical Behavior
- The Business of Sex
- Your Life, Your Future!
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Sexual Health
- Chapter 10. Reproductive Options
- Reproductive Responsibility
- Conception
- Abstinence and Nonpenetrative Sexual Activity
- Contraception
- The Benefits and Risks of Contraceptives
- Birth Control in America
- Reproductive Coercion
- Contraception Choices
- Birth Control on Campus
- Hormonal Contraceptives
- Oral Contraceptives
- Long-Acting Oral Contraceptives
- Contraceptive Patch
- Contraceptive Vaginal Ring
- Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives
- Intrauterine Device
- Contraceptive Injection
- Contraceptive Implant
- Barrier Contraceptives
- Condoms
- Contraceptive Sponge
- Vaginal Spermicides and Film
- Diaphragm
- Cervical Cap
- FemCap
- Fertility Awareness Methods
- Emergency Contraception
- Sterilization
- When Pregnancy Occurs
- Unwanted Pregnancy
- Abortion
- Pregnancy
- Preconception Care
- Home Pregnancy Tests
- Prenatal Care
- A Woman’s Bodily Changes During Pregnancy
- Neonatal Development
- Complications of Pregnancy
- Childbirth
- Infertility
- Options for Infertile Couples
- Adoption
- Your Life, Your Future!
- Self-Survey.
- Review Questions
- Reproductive Responsibility
- Chapter 11. Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases
- Zika Virus
- Risk Factors for Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections
- The ABCs of Safer Sex
- A Is for Abstain
- B Is for Be Faithful
- C Is for Condoms
- STIs and Gender
- STIs on Campus
- What College Students Don’t Know about STIs
- Common STIs and STDs
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
- Genital Herpes
- Chlamydia
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Gonorrhea
- Nongonococcal Urethritis
- Syphilis
- Chancroid
- Pubic Lice and Scabies
- Trichomoniasis
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- HIV and AIDS
- Incidence
- Who Is at Risk?
- Testing
- Sexual Transmission
- Nonsexual Transmission
- Preventing HIV Infection
- Recognizing and Treating HIV/AIDS
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey.
- Review Questions
- Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases
- Chapter 12. Major Diseases
- Your Cardiometabolic Health
- Cardiometabolic Risk Factors
- Risk Factors You Can Control
- Risk Factors You Can’t Control
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Who Is at Risk?
- What Are the Signs?
- Diabetes
- Insulin Resistance
- Prediabetes
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Who Is at Risk?
- Types of Diabetes
- Diabetes Management
- Hypertension
- Hypertension in the Young
- Who Is at Risk?
- What Your Blood Pressure Reading Means
- Lowering High Blood Pressure
- Your Lipoprotein Profile
- What Is a Healthy Cholesterol Reading?
- Lowering Cholesterol
- Lifestyle Changes
- Medications
- Cardiovascular (Heart) Disease
- How the Heart Works
- Heart Risks on Campus
- Psychosocial Risk Factors
- Other Risk Factors
- Aspirin and the Heart
- The Heart of a Woman
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Atherosclerosis
- Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)
- Stroke
- Who Is at Risk?
- Types of Stroke
- Silent Strokes
- Transient Ischemic Attacks
- The Effects of Stroke on the Brain
- Cancer
- Understanding Cancer
- Who Is at Risk?
- Common Types of Cancer
- Other Major Illnesses
- Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
- Asthma
- Ulcers
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Your Cardiometabolic Health
- Chapter 13. Infectious Diseases
- Understanding Infection
- Agents of Infection
- How Infections Spread
- The Process of Infection
- Who Develops Infections?
- How Your Body Protects Itself
- Immune Response
- Immunity and Stress
- Immunity and Gender
- Immune Disorders
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Immunization
- Childhood Vaccinations
- Adult Vaccinations
- Upper Respiratory Infections
- Common Cold
- Influenza
- Meningitis
- Preventing Meningitis
- Recognizing Meningitis
- When to Seek Medical Care
- Hepatitis
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Hepatitis C
- Other Infectious Illnesses
- Epstein-Barr Virus and Infectious Mononucleosis
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)
- Herpes Gladiatorum (MatHerpes, Wrestler’s Herpes, Mat Pox)
- Tuberculosis
- The “Superbug” Threat: MRSA
- Insect- and Animal-Borne Infections
- Lyme Disease
- West Nile Virus
- Zika Virus
- Avian Influenza
- Emerging Infectious Diseases
- Ebola
- Smallpox
- Reproductive and Urinary Tract Infections
- Vaginal Infections
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Understanding Infection
- Chapter 14. Consumer Health
- Health Insurance
- The Affordable Care Act
- How Health Care Insurance Works
- What You Need to Know
- Consumer-Driven Health Care
- Improving Your Health Literacy
- Finding Good Advice Online
- Getting Medical Facts Straight
- Evidence-Based Medicine
- Outcomes Research
- Personalizing Your Health Care
- Your Family Health History
- Gender Differences
- Mobile Health (mHealth) Apps and Monitors
- Self-Care
- Oral Health
- Becoming a Savvy Health-Care Consumer
- Making the Most of a Medical Visit
- Talking with Your Health-Care Provider
- After Your Visit
- Preventing Medical Errors
- Your Medical Rights
- Your Right to Be Treated with Respect and Dignity
- Your Right to Information
- Your Right to Privacy and Access to Medical Records
- Your Right to Quality Health Care
- Elective Treatments
- Vision Surgery
- Cosmetic Surgery
- Body Art Perils
- Health Hoaxes and Medical Quackery
- Nontraditional Health Care
- Types of CAM
- The Health-Care System
- Health-Care Practitioners
- Health-Care Facilities
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey.
- Review Questions
- Health Insurance
- Chapter 15. Addictive Behaviors and Drugs
- Understanding Addiction
- Addiction and the Dimensions of Health
- Preventing Addictions
- Gambling and Behavioral Addictions
- Problem Gambling
- Gambling Disorder
- Gambling on Campus
- Risk Factors for Problem Gambling
- Drug Use on Campus
- Why Students Don’t Use Drugs
- Why Students Use Drugs
- Understanding Drugs and Their Effects
- Routes of Administration
- Dosage and Toxicity
- Individual Differences
- Gender and Drugs
- Setting
- Types of Action
- Interaction with Other Drugs or Alcohol
- Caffeine and Its Effects
- Caffeine Intoxication
- Caffeine-Containing Energy Drinks
- Medications
- Over-the-Counter Drugs
- Prescription Drugs
- Substance Use Disorders
- Dependence
- Misuse
- Intoxication and Withdrawal
- Polyabuse
- Coexisting Conditions
- Causes of Substance Use Disorders
- Prescription Drug Abuse
- Prescription Drugs on Campus
- Prescription Stimulants
- Prescription Painkillers
- Commonly Abused Drugs
- Cannabinoids
- Herbal Drugs
- Synthetic Designer Drugs
- Club Drugs
- Stimulants
- Depressants
- Hallucinogens
- Dissociative Drugs
- Inhalants
- Treatment of Substance Dependence and Misuse
- Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment
- 12-Step Programs
- Relapse Prevention
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Understanding Addiction
- Chapter 16. Alcohol
- Drinking in America
- Why People Don’t Drink
- Why People Drink
- Drinking on Campus
- Why Students Don’t Drink
- Why Students Drink
- High-Risk Drinking on Campus
- Why Students Stop Drinking
- Alcohol-Related Problems on Campus
- Drinking and Driving
- Understanding Alcohol
- Blood-Alcohol Concentration
- Moderate Alcohol Use
- Alcohol Intoxication
- Alcohol Poisoning
- The Impact of Alcohol on the Body
- Digestive System
- Weight and Waists
- Cardiorespiratory System
- Cancer
- Brain and Behavior
- Interaction with Other Drugs
- Immune System
- Health Problems Later in Life
- Increased Risk of Dying
- Alcohol, Gender, and Race
- Gender
- Race
- Alcohol-Related Disorders
- Alcohol Use Disorder
- Causes
- Medical Complications
- Alcoholism Treatments
- Recovery
- Alcoholism’s Impact on Relationships
- Growing Up with an Alcoholic Parent
- Adult Children of Alcoholics
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Drinking in America
- Chapter 17. Tobacco
- Tobacco Use in America
- Why People Smoke
- Tobacco Use Disorder
- Tobacco Use on Campus
- Social Smoking
- College Tobacco-Control Policies
- Smoking, Gender, and Race
- Tobacco’s Immediate Effects
- How Nicotine Works
- Tar and Carbon Monoxide
- Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking
- Health Effects on Students
- Premature Death
- Heart Disease and Stroke
- Cancer
- Respiratory Diseases
- Other Smoking-Related Problems
- Emerging Tobacco Products
- Electronic Cigarettes
- Water Pipes (Hookahs)
- Other Forms of Tobacco
- Cigars and Pipes
- Bidis
- Clove Cigarettes (Kreteks)
- Smokeless Tobacco
- Snus
- Quitting Tobacco Use
- Physical Benefits of Quitting
- Psychological Benefits of Quitting
- Quitting on Your Own
- Virtual Support
- Stop-Smoking Groups
- Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
- Nicotine Gum
- Nicotine Patches
- Nicotine Inhaler
- Electronic Cigarettes
- Medications and Other Treatments
- Combined Treatments
- Quitting and the Risks Associated with Smoking
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke
- Thirdhand Smoke
- The Fight for Clean Air
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Tobacco Use in America
- Chapter 18. Personal Safety
- Unintentional Injury
- Why Accidents Happen
- Safety on the Road
- Avoid Distracted Driving
- Don’t Text or Talk
- Stay Alert
- Buckle Up
- Check for Air Bags
- Rein in Road Rage
- Cycle Safely
- Safety at Work and at Home
- Computers and Your Health
- At Home
- Which Gender Is at Greater Risk?
- Violence in America
- Gun Violence
- Mass Shootings
- A Public Health Approach
- Violence and Crime on Campus
- Hazing
- Hate or Bias Crimes
- Microaggressions
- Shootings, Murders, and Assaults
- Consequences of Campus Violence
- Sexual Victimization and Violence
- Cyberbullying and Sexting
- Sexual Harassment
- Stalking
- Intimate Partner (Dating) Violence
- Sexual Assault on Campus
- Changing the Campus Culture
- Types of Sexual Victimization and Violence
- Nonvolitional Sex and Sexual Coercion
- Incapacitated Sexual Assault and Date-Rape Drugs
- Rape
- Helping the Victims of Violence
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- Unintentional Injury
- Chapter 19. A Healthier Environment
- The Environment and Your Health
- Climate Change
- Global Warming
- The Health Risks
- The Impact of Pollution
- The Air You Breathe
- Ozone
- Particle Pollution
- Working Toward Sustainability
- The Water You Drink
- Is Bottled Water Better?
- Portable Water Bottles
- Indoor Pollutants: The Inside Story
- Environmental Tobacco Smoke
- Radon
- Molds and Other Biological Contaminants
- Household Products
- Formaldehyde
- Pesticides
- Asbestos
- Lead
- Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen Dioxide
- Chemical Risks
- Agricultural Pesticides
- Chemical Weapons
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
- Invisible Threats
- Electromagnetic Fields
- Cell Phones
- Microwaves
- Ionizing Radiation
- Diagnostic X-Rays
- Your Hearing Health
- How Loud Is That Noise?
- Effects of Noise
- Are Earbuds Hazardous to Hearing?
- Hearing Loss
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey
- Review Questions
- The Environment and Your Health
- Chapter 20. A Lifetime of Health
- Quality and Quantity of Life
- Will You Live to 50?
- Aging Well
- Physical Activity: It’s Never Too Late
- Nutrition and Obesity
- The Aging Brain
- Women at Midlife
- Men at Midlife
- Sexuality and Aging
- The Challenges of Age
- Mild Cognitive Impairment
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Osteoporosis
- Preparing for Medical Crises and the End of Life
- Advance Directives
- Ethical Dilemmas
- The Gift of Life
- Death and Dying
- Death Literacy and Education
- Defining Death
- Denying Death
- Emotional Responses to Dying
- How We Die
- A “Good” Death
- Caregiving
- Hospice: Caring When Curing Isn’t Possible
- Near-Death Experiences
- Suicide
- “Rational” Suicide
- Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
- Right to Die Laws
- The Practicalities of Death
- Funeral Arrangements
- Autopsies
- Grief
- Grief’s Impact on Students
- Grief’s Effects on Health
- Your Life, Your Future
- Self-Survey.
- Review Questions
- Quality and Quantity of Life
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