Test Bank Of Visual Anatomy & Physiology 3rd Edition - Martini

Test Bank Of Visual Anatomy & Physiology 3rd Edition – Martini


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Test Bank Of Visual Anatomy & Physiology 3rd Edition – Martini

Visual Anatomy and Physiology, 3e (Martini)

Chapter 5   The Integumentary System

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Each of the following is a function of the integumentary system except

A) protection of underlying tissue.

B) excretion of salts and wastes.

C) maintenance of body temperature.

D) synthesis of vitamin C.

E) provision of sensation.

Answer:  D

Learning Outcome:  5.1

Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Remembering

2) The two components of the integumentary system are the

A) epidermis and dermis.

B) cutaneous membrane and hypodermis.

C) cutaneous membrane and accessory structures.

D) integument and hypodermis.

E) epidermis and superficial fascia.

Answer:  C

Learning Outcome:  5.1

Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Remembering

3) Accessory structures of the skin include all of the following except

A) hair follicles.

B) sebaceous glands.

C) sweat glands.

D) the epidermis.

E) lamellar corpuscles.

Answer:  D

Learning Outcome:  5.1

Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Remembering

Figure 5-1

4) An intradermal injection is administered into which layer?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) below layer 5

E) 5

Answer:  C

Learning Outcome:  5.1

Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Understanding

5) Which layer is the primary barrier against environmental hazards?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer:  A

Learning Outcome:  5.1

Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Understanding

6) Which tissue is located in the region labeled “2”?

A) stratified squamous epithelium

B) areolar connective tissue

C) adipose tissue

D) cartilage and blood

E) reticular connective tissues

Answer:  B

Learning Outcome:  5.1

Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Understanding

7) Which layer contains most of the accessory organs?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) below layer 5

E) 5

Answer:  C

Learning Outcome:  5.1

Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Understanding

8) While walking barefoot on the beach, Joe stepped on a thorn that penetrated through the sole of his foot to the dermis. How many layers of epidermis did the thorn penetrate?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

Answer:  E

Learning Outcome:  5.2

Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Understanding

9) The type of most cells that form the strata in the epidermis are

A) adipocytes.

B) keratinocytes.

C) fibroblasts.

D) melanocytes.

E) dendritic cells.

Answer:  B

Learning Outcome:  5.2

Bloom’s Taxonomy:  Remembering

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