Themes in Chinese Psychology 2nd edition by Catherine Tien – Test Bank


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Themes in Chinese Psychology 2nd edition by Catherine Tien – Test Bank

Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

1. The Chinese concept of face is rooted in

  1. Taoism
  2. Confucianism
  3. Buddhism
  4. Confucianism and Buddhism

Answer: b

2. Thesinglemostimportantconceptthatguidesindividualstoactappropriatelyin a given context is
a. ritual propriety
b. filial piety

c. self cultivation d. five interlinkage

Answer: a

3. Instrumentaltiesdescribes
a. Relationships between strangers
b. Relationships between family members and close friends
c. Relationships between people outside the family who are known to each other d. Relationship between the ruler and the ruled

Answer: a

4. Thebuildingofpersonaltiesisdependentupon

  1. personality
  2. interest
  3. family background
  4. finding shared identification

Answer: d

5. Whichofthefollowingisnotatacticusedtobuildandenhancepersonalties?

  1. the presentation of a gift
  2. the holding of a banquet for the other party
  3. praising each other
  4. hiring the offspring of the other party

Answer: c

6. Confucianismadvocatesruleby a. law

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  1. legal system
  2. man
  3. fate

Answer: c

7. ThefirstWesternerstowriteaboutfaceandfaceworkis

  1. Toomey Goffman
  2. Erving Goffman
  3. Otezel Gabrenya
  4. Toomey Gabrenya

Answer: b

8. a. b. c. d.

Whichtherapeutictechniqueisnotcompatiblewithfacemanagement? Reflective listening

client‐centred feedback

Answer: b

9. a. b. c. d.

InHwang’sfaceandfavormodel,interpersonaltiesareclassifiedasfollows: descriptive, mixed and prescriptive
expressive, mixed and instrumental
intimate, casual and distant

vertical, mixed and horizontal

Answer: b

10. In Hwang’s face and favor model, expressive ties are governed by

  1. the empathic reciprocity rule
  2. the need rule
  3. the interplay between petitioners for and allocators of resources
  4. the people involved keep in touch with each other

Answer: b

11. Whichoneofthefollowingisnotadifferencebetweenlianandmianzi?

  1. lian is an evaluation of the whole person, and mian zi is an evaluation of some

    of an individual’s attributes.

  2. lian is more explicit, mian zi is more implicit
  3. lian is linked to one’s moral character, mian zi is more influenced by forces

    external to oneself

  4. a person can have all sorts of mian zi, but only one lian

Answer: c

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12. The etic approach to studying communication

  1. considers communication along the individual‐collective continuum
  2. studies Indigenous patterns of communication
  3. compares communication patterns in different cultures
  4. appraises communication with respect to the level of openness

Answer: c

13. Chinese value implicit communication because
a. it enables a person to negotiate meanings with others
b. it is non‐confrontational and less directive
c. it enables a person to navigate between levels of meaning d. it takes group values into consideration

Answer: a

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